Graduate Students

Resource Category Type
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)
The JET Program is a competitive employment opportunity that allows young professionals to live and work in cities, towns, and villages throughout…
Alumni, Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate
James Madison Graduate Fellowships
The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers $24,000 James Madison Graduate Fellowships to individuals desiring to become outstanding…
Audience: Graduate
Graduate Students
International Peace Scholarship Fund
The International Peace Scholarship Fund was established in 1949 to provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate study in…
Graduate Students, International Students
Graduate Student Fellowships for Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Science
IFER is dedicated to the development and implementation of scientifically valid alternatives to the use of animals in research, product testing, and…
Audience: Graduate
Dissertation, Financial Need Graduate Students
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Graduate Student Research Grants
The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) funds scholarships for deserving undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students who need financial…
Graduate Students
The John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program
The goal of the John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program is to build a network of young leaders who are inspired by the moral leadership of…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Every year, HSF selects 10,000 outstanding students as HSF Scholars from a broad and talented pool of applicants
Minority Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Herbert Scoville Peace & Security Fellowship
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Program invites recent college and graduate school alumni to apply for full-time, six-to-nine month…
Dissertation Alumni, Graduate Students, International Students
Health Services Research Dissertation Program
This program provides support to individuals who are conducting research undertaken as part of an academic program to qualify for a doctorate degree…
Audience: Graduate
Graduate Students
Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholars
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards (formerly the Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships) recognize promising graduate-…
Dissertation Graduate Students, International Students