
Resource Category Type
American Concrete Institute Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarships
Undergraduate and Graduate students studying concrete are eligible to apply for these scholarships annually. Many of the Scholarships are awarded in…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
American Chemical Society Scholars Program
ACS awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. Awards…
Audience: Undergraduate
Minority Undergraduate
American Center of Research Fellowships
The American Center of Research offers academic fellowships for professional scholars, graduate students, and undergraduates.  Fellowships are…
Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate
American Bar Association Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund
The mission of the ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund is to encourage racial and ethnic minority students to apply to law school and to provide…
Minority Graduate Students, Undergraduate
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Career Development Grants
AAUW’s career-development grants are offered to women in graduate study who are preparing to re-enter the workforce or change careers; preference is…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation Scholarships
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. awards undergraduate and graduate scholarships based on academic merit and financial need…
Financial Need Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Scholarships
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation is the largest provider of dietetic scholarships to deserving students at all levels of study. The…
Audience: Undergraduate
Abbot & Fenner Business Consultants Scholarship
Abbott & Fenner are committed to continuing efforts at helping those who have the desire and ambition to succeed.
Audience: Undergraduate
AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows Program
This 10-week summer program places science, engineering, and mathematics students at media organizations nationwide. Fellows use their academic…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate