PhD students

Resource Category Topic Type
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program) Research Grant
Research grants are awarded primarily to highly qualified PhD candidates who are early in their academic/professional careers or to individuals…
Audience: PhD students
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident Arts, Education, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Research
Corliss Knapp Engle Scholarship in Horticulture
Established to encourage the development of research, documentation, and teaching skills in the field of horticulture. Funds one or more scholarships…
US Citizen, US Permanent Resident STEM Graduate school, Research, Undergraduate funding
Boren Awards
Funds serious language study and/or work overseas for a summer, one semester, or a year for undergraduates and graduate students in areas other than…
US Citizen Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Language study, Study Abroad, Summer Opportunities
Belgian American Educational Foundation
The Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.) encourages applications for fellowships for advanced study or research during one academic…
US Citizen, US Permanent Resident Arts, Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Dissertation, Research, Study Abroad
American-Scandinavian Foundation Awards
Offers fellowships and grants to individuals who wish to pursue interests in research, study, or creative arts in one or more Scandinavian countries…
US Citizen, US Permanent Resident Arts, Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Graduate school, Research, Study Abroad
Native Forward Scholars Fund
Native Forward Scholars Fund offers more than 30 scholarships and fellowships that fund undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree-seeking…
US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident Arts, Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Graduate school, Undergraduate funding
American Association of University Women-American Fellowships
The purpose of the American Dissertation Fellowship is to offset a scholar’s living expenses while they complete their dissertation. The fellowship…
Audience: PhD students
US Citizen, US Permanent Resident Arts, Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Dissertation
Amelia Earhart Fellowship
Today, women remain a distinct minority in science and engineering, representing approximately 10 percent of professionals in these fields. The…
Audience: PhD students
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident STEM Graduate school
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation Scholarships
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. awards undergraduate and graduate scholarships based on academic merit and financial need…
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident Graduate school, Undergraduate funding
Adam Smith Fellowships
The aim of these fellowships is to introduce students to and encourage them to critically engage key thinkers in political economy that they might…
Audience: PhD students
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident Arts, Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Professional development