Fellowship Search Tool

Resource Category Type
James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program
Full-time paid position as a research assistant to the Endowments senior associates.
Alumni, International Students, Undergraduate
Brower Youth Awards
The Brower Youth Award recognizes individuals who display outstanding youth leadership in creating, organizing and implementing a project or campaign…
Audience: Undergraduate
Bridging Scholarship
The American Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-…
Audience: Undergraduate
International Undergraduate
Brian E. Doyle Undergraduate Marine Extension Fellowship
Fellows spend the summer working with N.H. Sea Grant staff seeking to help individuals and organizations make informed decisions regarding our marine…
Boren Awards
Funds serious language study and/or work overseas for a summer, one semester, or a year for undergraduates and graduate students in areas other than…
International Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships
Blue Waters Graduate Fellowships provide PhD students with a year of support, including a $38,000 stipend, up to $12,000 in tuition allowance, an…
Dissertation Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral
Big Sun Scholarship
The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. In order to do our part we are offering an…
Audience: Undergraduate
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
For undergraduate students who are receiving a Pell grant to study abroad. Additional funding available for students who intend to study a Critical…
Audience: Undergraduate
Financial Need, International Undergraduate
Belgian American Educational Foundation
The Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.) encourages applications for fellowships for advanced study or research during one academic…
Dissertation, International Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral
Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship
The Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship, sponsored by B4 Brands, is awarded each year to non-traditional, fulltime students pursuing…
Audience: Undergraduate
Angelo Tagliocozzo Memorial Geological Scholarship
Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic qualifications, as well as involvement in research, professional, and related extracurricular…
International International Students, Undergraduate
Amgen Scholars Program
The Amgen Scholars Program aims to open the door to research opportunities at 24 host institutions in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia for…
Audience: Undergraduate
American-Scandinavian Foundation Awards
Offers fellowships and grants to individuals who wish to pursue interests in research, study, or creative arts in one or more Scandinavian countries…
Audience: Graduate
Graduate Students
American Psychological Foundation Graduate Student Scholarships
The American Psychological Foundation and the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology offer more than 21 scholarships for grad school for…
Audience: Graduate
Graduate Students
American Psychological Association (APA) Scholarships, Grants and Awards
A series of opportunities offered by the American Psychological Association (APA). Each one has individual requirements and award amounts.
Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate
American Philosophical Society Library Resident Fellowship
The American Philosophical Society Library offers short-term residential fellowships for conducting research in its collections. APS is a leading…
Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral
Native Forward Scholars Fund
Native Forward Scholars Fund offers more than 30 scholarships and fellowships that fund undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree-seeking…
Minority Graduate Students, Undergraduate
American Concrete Institute Undergraduate/Graduate Scholarships
Undergraduate and Graduate students studying concrete are eligible to apply for these scholarships annually. Many of the Scholarships are awarded in…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
American Chemical Society Scholars Program
ACS awards renewable scholarships to underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. Awards…
Audience: Undergraduate
Minority Undergraduate
American Center of Research Fellowships
The American Center of Research offers academic fellowships for professional scholars, graduate students, and undergraduates.  Fellowships are…
Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate