What is AT?

Assistive Technology (AT) is a specific type of technology that is designed to meet the needs of an individual user with disabilities. Depending on student needs, there are a wide variety of tools available. These can range from very high tech to low tech, can be hardware or software, and can be digital or physical. These devices are critical for students because they allow the student to fully engage in the learning environment or activities.

Commonly used AT at UNH includes:

  • Screenreaders
  • Literacy Software
    • Text-to-speech software
    • Speech-to-text software
  • Mobility related AT such as wheelchairs, crutches, brace, adapted technology
  • Sensory related AT such as FM systems, magnification software, refreshable Braille displays

This is by no means a comprehensive list. Students at UNH use many different tools and technologies, and some students might utilize multiple types of AT.

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