
Resource Year Topic Type
The Fourth National Survey of Internet & Technology Facilitated Child Exploitation (N-JOV4)
This study aims to gain a better understanding of new threats, problems, and concerns encountered by law enforcement.
2020 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Sexual Abuse, Technology/Internet Victimization Project
Survey of Internet Mental Health Issues (SIMHI)
The Survey of Internet Mental Health Issues is a nationwide mail survey of over 30,000 mental health professionals to assess their encounters with…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project
First Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS-1
Summary: The Youth Internet Safety Survey is a telephone survey of a national sample of 1,501 youth, ages 10 to 17, and their parents, to assess the…
1999 Technology/Internet Victimization Project
First National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV)
Summary. The National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV) was funded by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and the…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project
Second Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS-2)
The Second Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS-2) was conducted in 2005 and designed to update and expand upon the previous Youth Internet Safety…
2005 Technology/Internet Victimization Project
National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV2) & Internet-facilitated Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (IF-CSEC)
These are two related projects. The first, the Second National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV2) is funded by the Department of Justice,…
2001 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, Technology/Internet Victimization Project
Third Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS-3)
This project aims to help reduce youth risk of victimization through technology use (i.e., Internet, text messaging, webcams). It will survey a…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project
Third National Juvenile Online Victimization Study (N-JOV3)
This study is designed to help law enforcement combat technology-facilitated child exploitation crimes. It will gather detailed national data on a…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project
The Teen Health & Technology Study
Because of contextual factors such as prejudice and social isolation, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth consistently report…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project
Technology-Based Harassment Victimization: Placement in a Broader Victimization Context
This project aims to improve current policy and practice on technology-based harassment victimization by examining it within the context of other…
2013 Technology/Internet Victimization Project
National Youth and Technology Study
This project aims to improve current policy and practice on technology-based harassment victimization by examining it within the context of other…
Technology/Internet Victimization Project