Myles Adams

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Myles Adams was a corpsman in the Coast Guard.  He did one counter-terrorism tour in the Northern Arabian Gulf for a year patrolling and boarding boats around Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, as well as numerous counter narcotics patrols in Central/South America and the Caribbean.  He is graduation with a major in Sport Studies and a double minor in Business Administration and Nutrition.  While attending UNH< Myles has enjoyed being around the Seacoast and meeting the people in his major who he found to be passionate about the sports industry.  As a Veteran, the biggest lesson Myles learned was to not be afraid to ask for help at first, even though he was used to being independent in the military.  He says, “School isn’t like the military outside being responsible, so people won’t be upset or abrasive if you ask questions.”  His best advice for incoming military students is to work hard at the beginning of your studies so you can relax towards the end and focus on more important things than classes as an upper classman, like professional development and looking for jobs.