
Thompson Hall in summer

UNH Positions Students, Businesses to Thrive in Wake of SEC Climate Disclosure Ruling

In March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted the first-ever national climate disclosure rule, a decision signifying that publicly traded companies will be legally required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and other climate risk factors for the first time. It’s a... Read More

Recent Stories

  • Susan Mercandetti '75
  • Floyd Jackson
    - Prof
    Floyd Jackson could do just about anything. Skin a mouse with surgical precision, make wine, explore the northern wilderness by dog sled, change lives. He started by remaking his... Read More
  • President Mark W. Huddleston
    - The View from T-Hall: The Student Perspective
    When I began visiting high schools across New Hampshire this spring to talk with students about the importance of higher education, one of my first stops was Manchester West, in... Read More
  • Hackers
    - Hackers Beware
    This spring, some of the world's wiliest hackers gathered at UNH in an attempt to bring down powerful corporate networks. But no one on campus was worried; in fact, the hackers... Read More
  • Robotics Competition
    - Mind Games
    They waved banners and wore face paint, but the screaming fans who filled Lundholm Gym to capacity March 6 and 7 weren't in Durham for a sports event—they were teams facing off in... Read More
  • Artist and Model etching by David Hockney
    - A Gifted Collection
    When the exhibit "Graphicornucopia" opens at the UNH Museum of Art in September, the university community will get a look at new artwork that enhances the museum's greater... Read More
  • students at research project site, collecting nitrogen through urine
    - Reduce, Reuse, Peecycle
    Visitors to downtown Durham this spring might have noticed students sporting an unusual accessory: a sticker with a yellow droplet on it proclaiming "I donated my nitrogen." No... Read More
  • lost wallet
    - Blast from the Past
    Louise Broom-Peltz '83 didn't remember losing her wallet as a UNH undergrad some 30 years ago—and she certainly wasn't expecting the phone call that came on April 21, telling her... Read More
  • horseshoe crabs
    - Bluebloods
    Spring is the season of horseshoe crab love, when thousands of females come up on beaches at high tide to spawn, and the smaller males hitch a ride on their backs or scuttle... Read More
  • pine tree closeup
    - Forest Sentinels
    Imagine a class full of students arrayed around a white pine tree in a 30-meter square, staring up through toilet paper tubes at the foliage. Now imagine a satellite 500 miles... Read More