UNH Magazine

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  • Laurent ’43 and Ann Miller ’46 Morin
    - World View
    Photo: Jessica Milligan When Laurent ’43 and Ann Miller ’46 Morin arrived in Algiers for their first posting with the Foreign Service in 1948, the captain of their ship had only... Read More
  • Laurie Folkes '70
    - Act Two
    Laurie Folkes ’70 knew he was taking a risk when he decided to move from computer sales to acting during the country’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. But if he... Read More
  • Katey Stone '89
    - Golden Opportunity
    Conversations with Katey Stone ’89 about her job—head coach for Harvard women’s ice hockey on hiatus to coach the U.S. women’s Olympic hockey team—are sprinkled with words like “... Read More
  • Emily King '06 and Corey Smith '08
    - On a Roll
    Every time Emily King ’06 looks up from her work and gazes out the window, it hits her: she’s got the best office in America—or at least the best view from her office window,... Read More
  • train wreck in Durham
    - Train Wreck
    Machine shop janitor Augustus Stevens was in Hewitt Hall, finishing preparations for the biennial visit of the state Legislature, when he heard it: the high-speed rumble of an... Read More
  • solar panels being install on woodruff house in the minidorms, 1980's
    - Evergreen
    CATCHING SOME RAYS: In a 1980 photo from The New Hampshire, students adjust solar panels on the roof of Woodruff House. Long before UNH had a Sustainability Academy, there were... Read More
  • DJ Bradley Huckins
    - Reinventing Himself
    Ever since a gig he had with rocker David Bowie, Bradley John Huckins '79 has had a career full of, well, "Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes!" Read More
  • scott quilty with his family
    - After War, Life
    Scott Quilty '04 was blown up by a roadside bomb in Iraq. So why do he and his wife, Dora '03, describe themselves as lucky? Read More
  • jo lamprey on the beach with her two dogs
    - Preserving the Good Life
    When a pond where philanththropist Jo Lamprey used to harvest ice as a child rarely freezes over anymore, she knows something needs to be done. Read More
  • Robert A. Stern '79 and Roxanne Rorer Stern '77
    - Robert A. Stern '79 and Roxanne Rorer Stern '77
    Sold Micrus Endovascular for $500 million; his new startup, Vascular Dynamics, tackles hypertension. Read More