
Recent Stories

  • UNH professor Larry Hamilton
    - Climate Change Cooperation
    Leaders from across the globe have convened in Paris for COP21, the United Nations’ climate summit, where they are working toward a “strong climate agreement.” Here at UNH,... Read More
  • N.H. Rep. Patricia Lovejoy
    - (Not Quite) A Woman’s World
    When New Hampshire Rep. Janet Wall bought a house, it was her husband’s name that appeared on the mortgage. When she applied for a credit card after becoming the breadwinner of... Read More
  • UNH professors Andy Smith and Dante Scala
    - A Primary Primary
    Even if you weren’t born here, if you’ve stood in a long line outside town hall during the dismal month of March — perhaps in driving rain or blizzard conditions — to vote in the... Read More
  • Pope Francis
    - The Winds of (Climate) Change
    On Thursday, June 18, 2015, Pope Francis made history in an encyclical — a papal letter that is distributed to all bishops in the Roman Catholic Church — entitled “Laudato Si,” in... Read More
  • Students in New Orleans
    - Big Lessons of the Big Easy
    When a group of UNH students finally heard the music on the street corners of New Orleans; when they took a ride with a friendly carriage driver who rode around with his pet snake... Read More
  • Doris Kearns Goodwin
    - Goodwin's Guys
    After a lifetime spent writing about American presidents, world-renowned presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin is a little anxious about what complaints her subjects might... Read More
  • Republicans and Democrats
    - In Science We Trust?
    Gun control. Abortion. The death penalty. You wouldn’t be alone in assuming that these are the hot-button issues that create the widest philosophical and political divide between... Read More
  • Race to Represent N.H.
  • doris kearns goodwin at podium
    - Of Presidential Politics and Life Lessons Learned
     After a lifetime spent writing about American presidents, world-renowned presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin has a bit of anxiety about  what might happen to her in the... Read More
  • doris kearns goodwin
    - UNH Hosts World-Renowned Presidential Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin Sept. 29
    Pulitzer Prize-winning author Doris Kearns Goodwin will speak as part of the Rutman Distinguished Lecture Series on the American Presidency at the University of New Hampshire... Read More