IMPACT Spring 2018

Reasons for believing
  • a UNH Cooperative Extension 4-H member using a zipline at Candia Springs

    Growing True Leaders

    A recent gift to New Hampshire 4-H from an anonymous donor has provided new learning opportunities. Read More
  • UNH students walking into a classroom

    Friends in Deed

    The Donovan Family Scholarship has inspired Lexy Hidrovo ’18 to earn a graduate degree and hopefully create her own scholarship someday to help... Read More
  • Members of the UNH orchestra with conductor David Upham during a 2017 performance at the Music Hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

    A Sweet Note

    Inspired by his love of music, UNH professor emeritus Duane Whittier ’50 has started a fund that will provide scholarships for music majors. Read More
  • UNH professor Don Robin in his office in Hewitt Hall

    Alternatives to Medicine

    With the support of a gift from Jayne “Kerry” Eastman Chandler ’84, Don Robin is studying mindfulness to treat chronic pain and addiction. Read More
  • UNH student Devin McMahon ’18

    Entrepreneurs Start Here

    The ECenter changed Devin McMahon ’18 and helped shape the rest of her college career. Read More
  • UNH alumnus Matt Saunders ’92, ’05 JD, meets with associates Becky Lessard and Seth Walters in their Amesbury offices

    Promoting an IP Powerhouse

    Law-school friends and business partners Aaron Silverstein ’04 JD, MIP and Matt Saunders ’92, ’05 JD support UNH students studying trademark and... Read More
UNH IMPACT Spring 2018 cover

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