2017 Presidential Award of Excellence recipients with Chris Clement, vice president for finance and administration, at the May 5 staff recognition ceremony. (L to R) Carla Cannizzaro, Amanda Stone, Marlene Brooks, Chris Clement and Avary Thorne
Hundreds of UNH employees were recognized for their talents and dedication during a staff recognition ceremony May 5 in the MUB’s Granite State Room.
“This is a great opportunity for our community to celebrate your accomplishments and your dedication,” said Christopher Clement, vice president for finance and administration, during opening remarks. “Each of you drives, supports and impacts UNH’s mission to provide a high quality education, groundbreaking research and outreach programs of distinction.”
Two employees were recognized for more than four decades of service to university — Cindy Grimard-Goss of the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics for 40 years and Ernest Horne of the facilities department for 45 years. More than 200 other employees who have been at UNH for at least 10 years received years-of-service recognition. View all
In addition, Clement awarded five staff members with the university’s highest staff honor — the Presidential Award of Excellence.
“These recipients are the human faces behind our success across UNH,” Clement said. “They demonstrate excellence every day.”
University community members nominate colleagues for the Presidential Award of Excellence. A committee of judges selects five nominees whose outstanding work has contributed to the goals of the UNH Strategic Plan to receive the award.
Clement read a citation about each of this year’s winners when presenting the awards.
Here are the winners of the 2017 Presidential Award of Excellence, along with excerpts from their citations:
Marlene Brooks
Senior Business Services Assistant
Business Services, Vice President for Finance & Administration
“Marlene is a glowing example of how we all can strengthen the UNH brand — by bringing our best selves to campus and by working with dedication, compassion and creativity.”
Carla Cannizzaro
Academic Department Coordinator
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
“Carla is the glue that holds the English department together.”
Julie Simpson
Director of Research Integrity Services
“Julie helps guide thousands of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and staff members, to adhere to the highest ethical and safety standards in their research and scholarly work.”
Avary Thorne
Academic/Student Services Assistant
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
College of Liberal Arts
“Avary brings an unimaginable mix of intelligence, ingenuity and positive energy, and her commitment to our community contributes to the great atmosphere within COLA and the department.”
Amanda Stone
Extension Specialist
Resource and Land Conservation
UNH Cooperative Extension
“For more than 20 years, she has dedicated herself to helping New Hampshire citizens protect and manage their most cherished natural resources.”