Thursday, September 10, 2015

DURHAM, N.H. - The University of New Hampshire administration and the UNH chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP)-Tenure Track, representing approximately 600 faculty, have agreed that contract negotiations are at impasse. The next step in the process is mediation, which will take place in the fall.

Impasse occurs when no agreement is reached during contract negotiations. According to state labor law, the university and the union will now engage in mediation and, if necessary, fact finding. Each requires a neutral, third party who is in a position to encourage further efforts to resolve the challenging issues that led to the impasse. The primary unresolved issues are salary and benefits.

The UNH administration's most recent formal proposal was for a five-year contract with an annual average increase of 2.8%. In addition, the administration has proposed structural changes in health benefits plans designed to contain cost and better align with external changes in the healthcare market, while providing faculty with a range of choices. The union has proposed salary increases totaling 17.5% - an annual average of 3.5%, and has indicated it will accept no changes to health benefits.

"The university is committed to an approach to total compensation that continues to attract and retain talented faculty and staff by keeping pace with the marketplace as its resources allow," said Candace Corvey, the UNH administration's chief negotiator. "In the context of minimal inflation, UNH faculty salaries being slightly above the average of the comparator institutions, and continuing uncertainty about state support, the university's offer is fair and competitive."

The last collective bargaining agreement between the parties expired on June 30 of this year.