Statement From UNH President on Logo

Friday, May 24, 2013

The proposals for a new UNH logo have attracted a great deal of attention—and sparked considerable creative input—from students, faculty, staff, alumni and others in the UNH community. Some people have a strong preference for one of the three design concepts.  Others have generated alternative logo ideas of their own. Still others would prefer no change at all.

This passionate and mixed reaction leads me to three conclusions. First, we need to extend the timeline for making any final decision about a new logo and make sure we listen thoughtfully to everyone who wants to weigh in. Accordingly, we are keeping the window open for comments and suggestions through July 1, 2013. Over the next six weeks, we will read your letters, monitor social media sites, and study the emails sent to

Second, we need to ensure that whatever decision we finally make reflects as fully as possible the views of the UNH family. To that end, I will assemble an advisory panel that represents all stakeholders—alumni, students, faculty, staff and so forth—and ask for their guidance as we move toward a decision, which we hope to announce in the early fall.  Once panel members are identified, we will post their names, along with other information pertinent to the logo selection process, on our website,

Finally, the strong reaction to the logo proposals underscores how very much members of the UNH community and, indeed, citizens across New Hampshire, care about their flagship public university and the symbols that represent it. UNH is a world-class institution competing on a national and international stage. We must present ourselves with real clarity and consistency both to our friends and to those who know little of our mission or aspirations. Like any serious enterprise in a competitive marketplace, we must invest in and manage our brand identity.

Thank you, again, for your interest, passion and support for this great university.

Mark W. Huddleston
President, University of New Hampshire