UNH History and Humanities Professor to Deliver Lindberg Lecture April 11

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

DURHAM, N.H. - Jan Golinski, professor of history and humanities at the University of New Hampshire and recipient of the 2012 Lindberg Award, will deliver the Lindberg Lecture Thursday, April 11, 2013. The highest award of the College of Liberal Arts, the Lindberg Award is given annually to an outstanding teacher and scholar in the college.

Golinski's lecture, "Romantic Science: Humphry Davy's 'Consolations in Travel'," begins at 1 p.m. in 110 Murkland Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.

"Professor Golinski's record of scholarship over the past two-plus decades is impressive. He is now considered a leading international scholar in the history of science. At the same time, he has shown a strong dedication to teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and he consistently earns high praise from students across the board," said Kenneth Fuld, dean of the UNH College of Liberal Arts.

Golinski has authored three books: "Science as Public Culture: Chemistry and Enlightenment in Britain, 1760-1820" (Cambridge University Press, 1992), "Making Natural Knowledge: Constructivism and the History of Science" (Cambridge University Press, 1998), and "British Weather and the Climate of Enlightenment" (Chicago University Press, 2007), which won the 2007 history book prize from Atmospheric Science Librarians International. He has co-edited a fourth book on enlightenment sciences; published dozens of book chapters, journal articles, and reviews; and is a regular participant at academic conferences.

Golinski has served on the editorial boards of four journals, including the three most important journals in his field. He has been recognized with a number of prestigious fellowships, most recently the Gordon Cain Distinguished Fellowship at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. His current book project examines the career of Humphry Davy, a 19th century British chemist and inventor.

Golinski holds a bachelor's degree from Cambridge University in England and a Ph.D. from the University of Leeds. He was appointed to the UNH faculty in 1990.

In keeping with tradition, the Lindberg Award celebration will include the announcement of the 2013 winner, who is Rochelle Lieber, professor of English. Lieber earned her undergraduate degree at Vassar College and her Ph.D. at MIT. She was appointed to the UNH faculty in 1981.

"In her three-plus decades here, Professor Lieber has been both a vigorous scholar and an exemplary teacher. As a scholar, Professor Lieber has achieved at the highest levels. She has built her reputation internationally in morphology—the study of the form and formation of words—a subfield of theoretical linguistics. Indeed, she has been a key scholar in the resurgence and development of the field in the United States and is one of the first to establish the relatively new study of generative morphology," Fuld said.

A former winner of a UNH Award for Excellence in Teaching, Lieber receives consistently high praise from her students.

"Students give her particularly high marks for enthusiasm, knowledge, preparation, and respectfulness. They repeatedly praise her for her ability to make a difficult subject fun, understandable, even joyful, so much so that one student notes 'I remember being upset when class time was over. I have never felt that way about a class.' Students often comment on her obvious passion for the material, noting how it made the subject come alive," Fuld said.

Lieber has traveled extensively throughout western Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States giving invited talks and conference presentations. She has published nearly 50 journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, and reviews. She has authored five books in the field: "Introducing Morphology" (Cambridge University Press, 2010), "Morphology and Lexical Semantics" (Cambridge University Press, 2004), "Deconstructing Morphology: Word Formation in Syntactic Theory" (University of Chicago Press, 1992), "On the Organization of the Lexicon" (Garland Publishing, Inc., 1990), and "An Integrated Theory of Autosegmental Processes" (SUNY Press, Albany, 1987). A new publication, "The Oxford Reference Guide to English Morphology" (Oxford University Press), is expected to be released later this year. With colleague Pavol Stekauer, she has co-edited two volumes, "The Oxford Handbook of Compounding" (Oxford University Press, 2009) and "The Handbook of Word Formation" (Springer, 2005).

The University of New Hampshire, founded in 1866, is a world-class public research university with the feel of a New England liberal arts college. A land, sea, and space-grant university, UNH is the state's flagship public institution, enrolling 12,200 undergraduate and 2,300 graduate students.

Jan Golinski, professor of history and humanities at the University of New Hampshire and recipient of the 2012 Lindberg Award.
Rochelle Lieber, professor of English at the University of New Hampshire and recipient of the 2013 Lindberg Award.