UNH Comments on Haitian Devastation; Offers List of Relief Efforts

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Over the past several days, the world has witnessed the devastation wrought by natural disaster in Haiti. The earthquake has taken countless lives and created great suffering among those who have survived. The tragedy has also brought a bright light to bear on the the circumstances of the Haitian people and the excrutiating poverty of that country. At times like this, we all want to find some way to help and some members of the University community have asked whether UNH will take any specific actions to assist, particularly with regard to resources to support the relief efforts.

In the near term, rather than seek to create a new vehicle to channel those resources, it seems most sensible for us to help direct assistance to those relief efforts that are already in place. The following list, compiled by the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, offers a broad set of recognized and credible organizations through which individual support could be sent.

How can you help? The following is a list of organizations providing direct relief:

Haiti: Action Against Hunger: http://www.actionagainsthunger.org/where-we-work/haiti
American Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org/
Beyond Borders: http://www.beyondborders.net/index.php
CARE: http://www.care.org/
Direct Relief International: http://www.directrelief.org/EmergencyResponse/2010/EarthquakeHaiti.aspx
Doctors Without Borders: http://doctorswithoutborders.org/
HED: www.hedprogram.org/
International Medical Corps: https://www.imcworldwide.org/SSLPage.aspx?pid=878
International Relief Teams: http://www.irteams.org/index.htm
Meds and Food for Kids: http://mfkhaiti.org/
Mercy Corps: http://www.mercycorps.org/
Operation USA: http://www.opusa.org/featured/news-release-operation-usa-prepares-emergency-aid-in-response-to-earthquakes-in-haiti/
Oxfam America: https://secure.oxfamamerica.org/site/Donation2?df_id=3560&3560.donation=form1
Partners in Health: http://www.pih.org/home.html
Save the Children: http://www.savethechildren.org/
Stop Hunger Now: https://secure3.convio.net/shn1/site/Donation2?1420.donation=form1&df_id=1420&JServSessionIdr004=dz2m7yil82.app305a
UNICEF: www.secure.unicefusa.org/site/Donation2
World Concern: http://www.worldconcern.org/haiti-earthquake/
Yele Haiti: www.yele.org/