Electrical Engineering
Fremont, N.H.
What made you want to choose this course of study?
I came into UNH Undeclared in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and knew that I liked science and math, but I was unsure of how I wanted to apply that. I realized electrical engineering was what I wanted to do while I was taking physics class and we were studying electricity and magnetism. This was the first time I was really exposed to it, and I found the power of the two fascinating.
What stands out as your favorite course, project, or "learning" moment?
My favorite project could also be considered my favorite "learning" moment. In Junior Lab we had to do a final project, which was to build an audio amplifier. This project required us to apply the material we had learned throughout the semester and the previous two years of study. The process of designing and building the amplifier was challenging and at times frustrating, but there was a huge sense of accomplishment when I hit the power switch and could hear sound coming from the speaker.
What is one thing that has surprised you about the field you've chosen—something you couldn't have known in high school?
I was surprised to find how many different ways there are to apply my degree in countless different industries. Wireless communication, robotics, bio-med, aviation, and personal electronics are just a few of the industries that people in my field of study work in. In today's world of ever increasing dependence on technology, the possibilities are endless.
If you had to give advice to the next group of UNH students, what would you tell them about getting the most out of your studies at UNH?
I have three pieces of advice for the next group of students. First, join at least one club or organization. Joining a club can be a great way to meet new people and get away from your books. If social based groups aren't your thing, joining an academic based group is also a great option. They allow you to be around other people who share your passion for learning and these kind of groups often open up many doors for internships, scholarships, jobs, etc.
Second, talk to your professors. They will seem intimidating and unapproachable at first, but they really are normal people who are more than willing to help you if you are stuck on a concept or just want to know more. It will be a long four years if you never take the time to get to know at least one of your professors.
Finally, don't forget to enjoy yourself. It is no secret that life as an engineering student is tough, but that doesn't mean it has to be miserable. By keeping yourself organized and managing your time, you will have plenty of time to study, do your assignments, and still have time to hang out with your friends.
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Staff writer | Communications and Public Affairs