UNH Hosts Presidential Primary Speaker Series; Steyer, Sestak First Candidates

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

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DURHAM, N.H.—Businessman Tom Steyer and Admiral Joe Sestak, Democratic candidates for the U.S. presidency, will speak at the University of New Hampshire's Carsey School of Public Policy as part of its new UNH 2020 Presidential Primary Series.

Steyer will speak Friday, Sept. 6, 2019, at 7 p.m. in Huddleston Hall. Sestak will deliver remarks Monday, Sept. 9, 2019, at 5 p.m. in Huddleston Hall. Both events are free and open to the public, but registration is required.

UNH created the series and invited every major Democratic and Republican presidential candidate to participate in an effort to provide students with policy and political problem-solving skills and the community the opportunity to engage national figures on a wide range of public policy issues. Additional candidate talks will be announced when confirmed. Each candidate will deliver remarks on a specific policy area of their choosing. Following the remarks, the candidate will take questions from the audience on any topic.

Steyer will discuss “structural reform of government.” He is a self-made billionaire who founded Farallon Capital Management. He went on to found NextGen America, a nonprofit group that combats climate change, promotes social justice and increases participation in our democracy through voter registration and grassroots organizing, in 2013. Steyer graduated from Yale and earned his MBA at Stanford.

Sestak will discuss “China and the rise of authoritarianism around the world.” He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a doctorate in economics and national security from Harvard University. He served for more than 31 years in the U.S. Navy before being elected to Congress to represent Pennsylvania's 7th congressional district from 2007 to 2011.

The series is cosponsored by the Carsey School and the UNH Campus Living Association.

The University of New Hampshire inspires innovation and transforms lives in our state, nation and world. More than 16,000 students from all 50 states and 71 countries engage with an award-winning faculty in top-ranked programs in business, engineering, law, health and human services, liberal arts and the sciences across more than 200 programs of study. A Carnegie Classification R1 institution, UNH partners with NASA, NOAA, NSF and NIH, and received $260 million in competitive external funding in FY21 to further explore and define the frontiers of land, sea and space.