Colleen Spear '21

Colleen Spear '21's Articles

  • A UNH student holds a step out sign

    Saying Goodbye

    Although the semester is ending, SHARPP’s work will continue.
  • The UNH campus in early spring

    How Violence Impacts Our Trans and Nonbinary Community

    Individuals who are not cisgender face high rates of sexual violence.
  • Student at a SHARPP walk to end violence

    How Violence Impacts Our LGBTQ+ Community

    On the UNH campus, members of the LGBTQ+ community have several options to them for support and services.
  • A graphic that reads "Wildcats get Consent"

    An Explanation of Consent

    Consent is at the center of many SHARPP presentations. It is also at the center of every sexual experience that is not assault.
  • UNH SHARPP members

    Taking Action

    April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and SHARPP is offering a plethora of events at UNH.
  • UNH's McConnell Hall

    Don't Miss "The Tale"

    See the documentary film "The Tale" at McConnell on March 27 with SHARPP and UNH women's studies.
  • A view of the UNH campus at sunset

    Holding People Accountable

    Amidst allegations of sexual assault against high-profile individuals, we must reevaluate people based on the information that comes out.
  • The VDAY 2019 logo

    V-DAY 2019

    "The Vagina Monologues" are back for one night only: Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. in Murkland Hall.
  • A graphic listing sexual assault statistics

    SHARPP Data

    Data has a central role to play in what SHARPP does as well.
  • Stalking 101

    Stalking 101

    If you or someone you know is being stalked, SHARPP offers resources for help and support.

Colleen Spear '21 is a business administration major and student marketing and communications assistant for SHARPP. At her previous college, she was a peer mentor for the Council of Equity and Inclusion as well as a marketing and communications assistant.