UNH Law has been dedicated to preparing practice-ready lawyers since its founding more than four decades ago, and the results continue to speak for themselves. UNH Law graduates taking the bar exam for the first time in Summer 2017 experienced tremendous success in six key jurisdictions, including New Hampshire and Massachusetts, while nearly 92 percent of 2016 JD graduates secured jobs by the ABA’s deadline of March 15, 2017, which is 10 months after graduation.
Of UNH Law graduates who took the bar for the first time in New Hampshire in summer 2017, 94.1 percent passed. For calendar year 2017, the first-time pass rate was 91.7 percent. In Massachusetts, 100 percent of first-time takers this summer passed - a rate better than all law schools in Massachusetts except Harvard Law School, which also had 100 percent passage.
Additionally, 100 percent of UNH Law graduates taking the bar for the first time this summer in New York, California, Vermont, and Washington, D.C., passed the exam.
UNH Law graduates are experiencing similar success in securing jobs. Of all 2016 JD graduates, 91.8 percent landed jobs within 10 months of graduation. Additionally, 89.1 percent of the class secured jobs requiring either bar passage or a JD degree - outperforming JD graduates nationally, who secured such jobs at a 78.6 percent rate.
Excluding law-school-funded jobs, UNH Law ranked second among all 14 New England law schools, behind only Harvard.