UNH Launches Health Law and Policy Program

Friday, January 9, 2015

UNH news release featured image

Lucy Hodder appointed professor of law and director of health law and policy programs at UNH.

CONCORD, N.H. - The University of New Hampshire is launching a new health law and policy program along with the appointment of Lucy Hodder, legal counsel to the governor and accomplished attorney in the field of health law. Hodder will join UNH next month as professor of law and director of health law and policy programs. The new program is a collaboration between the School of Law and the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS).

Hodder's new role includes responsibility for developing curriculum and teaching in the health law and policy program at the law school as well as conducting applied research in the CHHS Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP).

"Healthcare is one of the most important issues facing society today from both an educational and a policy perspective," said Michael Ferrara, CHHS dean and Kent P. Falb Professor of Kinesiology at UNH. "Our goal is to create opportunities to educate the next generation of students and to continue IHPP's leadership position as we open up new avenues to influence future healthcare policies and research."

Hodder has practiced law for nearly 25 years. Two decades of her career have been dedicated to healthcare and public policy. She served as an assistant attorney general in New Hampshire for more than four years, working primarily with state departments that included the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services and New Hampshire Hospital. At Rath, Young & Pignatelli she worked to develop a healthcare practice group that served the legislative, administrative and legal needs of health providers throughout New England.

Hodder is currently legal counsel for Governor Maggie Hassan, a position she has held since 2013. She was responsible for coordinating New Hampshire's implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the expansion of Medicaid.

"Lucy Hodder is a dedicated advocate for the people of New Hampshire, and I am incredibly lucky to have had her serve as my legal counsel for the past two years," Governor Hassan said. "Her talent and expertise in health law were critical to the passage and implementation of our historic, bipartisan health care expansion plan, and the University of New Hampshire could not have picked a better person to develop its health law and policy program at the law school. Lucy's efforts will have a long-lasting positive impact on the health and well-being of Granite Staters, and I cannot thank her enough for everything that she has done for the people of New Hampshire throughout her career."

"The creation of this position is an ideal collaboration to join the strengths of the institute and UNH Law," said Jordan Budd, interim dean of the UNH School of Law. "We strive to provide our students rigorous training and hands-on experience with exceptional teachers and practitioners. Lucy Hodder's experience as an innovative policymaker and leading attorney in the field of health law is a perfect match for the law school and its students, and we are thrilled she will be joining UNH to lead this initiative."

One of Hodder's first goals is to develop a new certificate of health law and policy at UNH Law, targeted to begin in fall 2015. She will also teach courses related to health law.

"Health law has grown exponentially in scope and subject matter over the last two decades and I am eager to help develop this program to train new lawyers in the field," said Hodder. "Lawyers well trained in health law and policy can substantially impact the healthcare delivery system as it grows, changes and serves."

Image to be downloaded:  /unhtoday/news/releases/2015/01/images/lucy-for-web-206.jpg
Lucy Hodder appointed professor of law and director of health law and policy programs at UNH.
