UNH Statement on Professor Marco Dorfsman

Thursday, May 2, 2013

After an extensive review of the facts, Provost John Aber has determined that it is appropriate to terminate the employment of Marco Dorfsman, associate professor of Spanish, effective May 17, 2013. Professor Dorfsman admitted to intentionally lowering the student evaluations of another faculty member. This serious breach of ethical standards constitutes moral turpitude that cannot be tolerated at UNH.

Provost Aber's determination was informed by the recommendation of the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) of the Faculty Senate. The PSC members unanimously agreed that Professor Dorfsman's conduct constituted moral turpitude and "evinces a gross disregard for the rights of others, is a clear and intentional breach of duties owed to others and to the university by virtue of employment at UNH and membership in the profession, in which such an act is considered contrary to the accepted and expected rules of moral behavior, justice, or honesty, and evokes condemnation." The PSC's recommendation contained a range of possible sanctions.

The provost's decision reinforces UNH's commitment to upholding and teaching ethical behavior. Professor Dorfsman's conduct disregarded the rights of his colleague, undermined the evaluations submitted by our students (a prime source of data for employment decisions for all instructors), and corrupted an important process by which our faculty's teaching effectiveness is measured.

If Professor Dorfsman decides to grieve the provost's dismissal decision, the case will be decided by an arbitrator.