Yujhán Claros
Yujhán Claros
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Classics, Humanities and Italian Studies
Yujhán Claros is a classically-trained philologist and humanist with specializations in “epic” and tragic poetry, as well as African-American classicisms. After earning a classical diploma from Phillips Exeter Academy, Claros graduated with a bachelor’s in classics from Princeton University and subsequently earned a Ph.D. in classics at Columbia University. Their dissertation sought to break open the classical canon by demonstrating the influence of Egyptian and African thought in the Classical Age, with a special emphasis on the tragic poetry of Aeschylus; to explore the intersections of gender and “race” in Greek Antiquity; and to create room in the Hellenistic Age, specifically, for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ subjectivities in Ancient Greek literature. They are currently working on two monographs that stem from their dissertation research — one exploring the Greek culture and literature of Alexandria during the Hellenistic Age, and one on the culture of Rome and Latin literature. Claros teaches Classical Society, Politics and Ethics; Athens, Rome and the Birth of the United States; and Intermediate Latin.