Ryan Wilmot
Ryan Wilmot's Articles
Pearl of Hope
UNH researchers have collected new data that will aid oyster restoration in New Hampshire's Great Bay Estuary and support ongoing efforts to understand the ecological changes taking place in the bay... -
Dietary Fats: Friend or Foe?
UNH researchers have published their findings in the British Journal of Nutrition on the connection between cognitive function and dietary fat consumption in Hispanic/Latino adults, and the news may... -
Mapping Memory Lane
UNH researchers have received an Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study tiny antenna-like projections on the surface of brain cells, called... -
Reactions in Action
New UNH research has uncovered a novel way of studying protein interactions which may improve the efficacy of a class of drugs — called allosteric drugs — that treat diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular...
UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture