Nicholas Gosling '06

Nicholas Gosling '06's Articles

  • A map showing northeastern and northern Atlantic seaboard states, from Ohio through New England. Counties in pink indicate where beech leaf disease has been found.

    New Research into Potential Impacts of Beech Leaf Disease (BLD) to Begin at UNH

    Jeff Garnas from UNH is launching a study on beech leaf and bark disease's impact on trees in eastern forests to better understand mortality patterns.
  • A researcher in the field tests water sampling while taking into consideration the potential environmental impacts of his research.

    The 5 Rs of Environmentally Conscious Research

    The Environmental Responsibility 5-R Framework (ER5F) is a tool to help scientists reduce the environmental impact of their research. ER5F stands for Recognition, Refinement, Reduction, Replacement,...
  • Swapping Classrooms for Cow Barns

    Swapping Classrooms for Cow Barns

    In the student-led, two-semester CREAM course, students gain hands-on experience caring for dairy cows and managing and participating in everything from herd health to dairy production to in-class...
  • Graduate and undergraduate researchers explore experimental thin-layer sediment plots at Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.

    Sediment May Be Solution to Preventing Tidal Marsh Loss

    New research from a national team of scientists, including researchers from the University of New Hampshire’s Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, found that eroded tidal marsh sites can be revitalized by...
  • An aerial digital photo showing the edge of a forest and the changes at that edge

    Monitoring Forest Edge Changes Using Drones

    Scientists with the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES) and the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture are using unpiloted aerial systems to examine how fragmented forests and...
  • A photo of board-certified pathologists and staff at the NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, which recently received $1.26 million in federally earmarked funds.

    $1.26M Earmarked in Federal Budget for UNH’s NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab

    For more than five decades, the New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (NHVDL) at the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture has helped secure animal and public health by providing...
  • Thermal image showing cow (female moose) and her calf (in yellow). Red shows trees and purple shows ground.

    Tracking New Hampshire’s Moose Population Using Drones and Wildlife Cameras

    New research led by New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station scientist Remington Moll assessed how emerging technologies may help improve population calculations of North America's moose (Alces...
  • An image of a purple census questionnaire with the text "your census, household questionnaire" at the top.

    New Study Examines Disproportionately High Food Insufficiency Rates Among LGBTQ+ New Englanders

    New study by NHAES researcher shows that while cisgender New Englanders face lower food insufficiency than others in the U.S., LGBTQ+ residents in the region face 2-3 times higher rates of food...
  • A night-time game camera photo taken of a striped skunk. The white and black sunk is walking on all fours through a leaf covered clearing while looking at a stick staked into the ground.

    UNH Researcher Examines Abundance Factors of Striped Skunk Across Contiguous United States

    New research from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station examines factors that affect skunk abundance in the region and across the United States, underscoring the importance of...
  • An image showing the retinal photoreceptors (left) and an image of the retina (right)

    Predicting Eye Disease

    A recently awarded $1.5 million grant from the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Eye Institute will support ongoing research into retinal degenerative diseases led by professor Rick...
  • Preventing Coccidiosis Using Sodium Butyrate

    Preventing Coccidiosis Using Sodium Butyrate

    Station scientist Pete Erickson, professor of dairy management in the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, has found evidence that the compound sodium butyrate—a nutrient that people obtain...
  • Alternative Forages for Seasonal Slumps

    Alternative Forages for Seasonal Slumps

    In farming, a ‘summer slump’ refers to the periods of the growing season when traditional forage plants—eaten by livestock—don’t grow well or aren’t readily available. Scientists with the New...
  • Healthy Food for All

    Healthy Food for All

    How does food and nutrition insecurity affect physical, mental and social well-being? How does it vary by race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality?
  • Droughts Are a New Reality for New England. Diverse Crop Rotations Can Help.

    Droughts Are a New Reality for New England. Diverse Crop Rotations Can Help.

    When it comes to crop rotations, complexity is key to boosting levels of nitrogen—a soil nutrient that is critical to crop production. That's according to new research involving NHAES Station...
  • Grass-Fed Organic Dairy Management May Be Key to Sector’s Resilience in New England
  • A timelapse photo of the Lamprey River

    The Changing Lamprey River

    The Lamprey River Hydrological Observatory has been collecting data on the chemistry and hydrology of the 212-square-mile Lamprey River watershed, providing a baseline of data on river/stream...
  • A photo of a new england cottontail hiding in its natural shrubland habitat

    Cohabitating with New England Cottontails

    New research by the NHAES researchers finds that habitat restoration efforts for the at-risk New England cottontail will also benefit a number of shrubland-obligate birds.
  • Ray Grizzle (right) works with a student on measuring oysters

    Oysters as Nitrogen Bioextractors

    Oysters filter particles that contain nitrogen (and carbon) from the water. Wild oysters cycle small amounts of that nitrogen back into the environment, however farmed oysters, once harvested from...
  • Download the NHAES 2022 Inspired Horticultural Research Report today!

    Download the NHAES 2022 Inspired Horticultural Research Report today!

    The latest edition of the NH Agricultural Experiment Station’s Inspired magazine and research report is here! The latest edition explores station research into horticulture management and the...
  • Sizing Up Cover Crop Seeding Rates

    Sizing Up Cover Crop Seeding Rates

    The use of cover crops is becoming more and more widespread in New Hampshire and across the country as farmers, agriculturalists, political leaders and the public recognize the value of these crops...
  • Measuring Methane in Streams

    Measuring Methane in Streams

    Different aquatic bodies play different roles in the release of methane gas. Wetlands, lakes, and reservoirs all play large roles in releasing methane directly into the atmosphere. Rivers and streams...
  • A photo of a farmers' stand, which is an example of an alternative food network

    Making a Living Producing Food?

    In New England, small- and mid-sized farms face numerous barriers to achieving viability. Many farmers across the region rely on a host of agriculture-adjacent enterprises, like agritourism (or agro-...
  • A middle-aged white woman shops at a farmers' market, picking produce from a stall

    Serving New England Farmers

    The global pandemic upended how we work and live, and the same was true for America’s farmers – especially those involved in direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales. Farmers’ markets temporarily shut down,...
  • A photo of Marie Carlota Dao (center) with research students Brandy Moser (left) and Jason Hansen.

    Dedicated to Health Disparities Research

    Nutrition researcher Maria Carlota Dao, an assistant professor at the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and a New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station (NHAES) researcher, was recently...
  • Listening to Marine Life

    Listening to Marine Life

    Michelle Fournet still vividly recalls one of the first times she listened to humpback whales as a researcher. She was sitting in a small, 10-foot inflatable raft, bobbing on the ocean waves just off...
  • A photo showing NHAES researchers Becky Sideman, Lise Mahoney, and Tom Davis, overlayed on an image of a strawberry

    Research Makes National Strawberry Month Sweeter

    Five pounds of strawberries might seem like a lot, but that is approximately how much each person eats each year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Given that much consumption,...
  • Professor Russ Congalton holding up his AmericaView Lifetime Achievement Award

    A Lifetime Achievement

    Professor of Natural Resources and the Environment Russell Congalton has spent close to half a century researching and teaching geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and geospatial...
  • A photo of a tropical watershed system

    Tropical Rivers Act as Carbon Sinks Following Major Rainfall Events

    New Hampshire Agricultural Expirement Station-funded researcher Bill McDowell recently co-authored an article in Nature Communications highlighting the role that tropical rivers play in capturing,...
  • Making Childcare More Accessible

    Making Childcare More Accessible

    Carsey School of Public Policy Research Assistant Professor Jess Carson and Ph.D. student Kamala Nasirova met the summer of 2021 through a mutual colleague. Nasirova, a second-year student in UNH’s...
  • Sarah Nadeau, a Master of Public Policy student at the Carsey School

    Taking It to the Streets

    Public policy advocacy encompasses a range of activities, in settings as varied as the streets of our local New Hampshire communities and the halls of the U.S. Congress.
  • A series of four photos showing women researchers and faculty members engaged in field or lab work, teaching courses, and/or sharing their work with colleagues

    'Gender Equality for a Sustainable Future'

    Celebrating Women's History Month by highlighting women faculty members and the female graduate students they're working with on research at UNH.
  • A photo of Dr. Kimberly Alexander on the left side and a recipie page from the Country Dyer book on the right.

    A Shared History

    Before graduating last September from UNH’s museum studies program, Amy Denham worked with Kimberly Alexander, director of museum studies with the department of history, on recreating an 18th/early...
  • A photo showing Arctic researchers Jess Steketee, a Ph.D. candidate, and Dr. Rebecca Rowe from the UNH Department of Natural Resources and the Environment

    Arctic Changes; Global Impacts

    Faculty in UNH’s natural resources and the environment program have a strong legacy of tackling environmental challenges through research and education.
  • Left photo shows Dr. Ruth Varner working with a group of students; right photo shows Clarice Perryman standing in a bog while a student retrieves her backpack.

    How Mentorship Can Help Diversify STEM

    Clarice Perryman, a Ph.D. candidate in Earth & environmental science at UNH, describes mentorship as an important component of her education at the university.
  • A photo of, from left, Pamela Kallmerten, Emily Stewart, and Mary Flanagan

    Serving Today's Seniors

    The UNH nursing department has an excellent history of faculty and graduate students collaborating on quality improvement projects through research and application.
  • Deqa Dhalac speaking at an event

    Breaking Barriers

    Why not me? That’s the question Deqa Dhalac ‘13G posed to herself when she first began mulling over the decision to run for political office in 2018. Dhalac, a Somali American who has lived in the U....
  • Two nonprofit workers backing supplies in boxes

    Carsey School's Serve & Learn Program

    The Carsey School of Public Policy is proud to announce the launch of the Serve & Learn program, offering free and discounted courses to those in public service whose work has changed in response...
  • The New Hampshire Listens Team
  • Carsey Faculty Wins Prize for Teaching Simulation Case

    Carsey Faculty Wins Prize for Teaching Simulation Case

    Carolyn Arcand took home a top prize for a teaching simulation she introduced in her course, Financial Management and Budgeting in the Public and Non-profit Sectors, at the Carsey School of Public...
  • Image of Covid-19 virus magnified.

    Carsey School Responds to COVID-19

    The Carsey School has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting and publishing research on new and emerging trends related to coronavirus, helping in the policy response, and by...
  • Photos of (from left) Sarah Wrightsman and Kathryn Mone

    Union Leader Names Two Carsey Alumnae to Annual 40 Under Forty List

    The Carsey School of Public Policy is proud to count not one but two alum on this year’s prestigious Union Leader “40 Under Forty” list.
  • Jessica Forrest (fourth from left) and Hannah MacBride (third from right) with judges from the NH Social Venture Innovation Challenge.

    Carsey Alum & Student Take Home Prizes at NH SVIC 2019

    The annual New Hampshire Social Venture Innovation Challenge (SVIC) highlights and awards seed money to innovative, socially oriented projects and business plans submitted by full-and part-time...
  • Marisa Rafal

    Toy Time

    The New Hampshire Toy Library Network First site: Dover Public Library, 73 Locust St., Dover, NH 03820 All toys cleaned with EPA-approved products prior to being loaned. Learn more at Toy...
A photo of UNH communicator Nick Gosling
COLSA/NH Agricultural Experiment Station