Mike Ross

Mike Ross's Articles

  • Corinna Tucker sits at a computer in front of a window

    Chaos at Home Adversely Affects Adolescents

    A new UNH study is among the first to look at the effects of unstable and disorganized family environments on rural teens
  • Pandora Building at UNH Manchester

    Manchester on the Move

    With its soaring spaces and iconic clock tower, the historic Pandora building at 88 Commercial Street in Manchester is a testament to the city’s past economic vitality—and a bit of a metaphor for the...
  • Robotics Competition

    Mind Games

    They waved banners and wore face paint, but the screaming fans who filled Lundholm Gym to capacity March 6 and 7 weren't in Durham for a sports event—they were teams facing off in a FIRST Robotics...
  • football player

    A Home for Excellence

    The squeak of basketball shoes, the heavy clank of weights, the—sound of silence as students dig in on term papers and study for tests?
  • students and researchers measuring rooftop snow

    Weight Watchers

    Winter 2014's snowstorms and attendant roof collapse warnings may be a distant memory now, but a team of students and professors at UNH-Manchester has 2015 in its sights with a product that can help...
  • mystery man
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