Jeremy Gasowski

Jeremy Gasowski's Articles

  • Sue Bennett with Bill Janelle, AVP of facilities, and President James Dean

    50 Years of Service to UNH

    After graduating Epping High School in 1968, Sue Bennett’s mother told her she either had to go to college or get a job. Well, Sue did both.
  • Nathan Schwadron, associate research professor of physics and astronomy

    Finding Physics in the Bad Stuff

    "When I was in first grade, I fell out of a tree ... I ended up having a grand mal seizure and wound up in a coma."
  • Students at 2019 commencement

    Hear Them Roar

    Check out this year's commencement at Wildcat Stadium via UNH's Flickr
  • Teaching English Abroad

    Teaching English Abroad

    Three recent UNH graduates who have received Fulbright English teaching assistantships will spend nine months abroad.
  • UNH's Madison Wood '19

    Pursuing a Ph.D.

    Madison Wood '19 is off to pursue her doctorate in Earth sciences.
  • Madeline Juffras '19 working on scientific equipment in a wetland

    Inquiring Minds

    UNH's Inquiry journal highlights undergraduate research.
  • Researchers take a soil sample

    Increasing UNH’s Impact

    Faculty, grad students complete first-ever Research Communications Academy.
  • Jason Nguyen and Veronica Chambers-O'Bryan present smartphone info at URC

    Building the Future

    UNH students' URC project creates ROTC smartphone app.
  • Logan Malone '19

    The Worth of Walkability

    Logan Malone's research explores pedestrian-centric streets' impact on home values.
  • A Dream Come True

    A Dream Come True

    Meet UNH's 2019 Truman Scholarship winner, Nooran Alhamdan '20.
  • Paul College

    Paul College Business Accreditation Renewed

    AACSB extends accreditation five years.
  • Ermira Zifla poses outside

    Rate This Article

    Paul College researcher uncovers surprising impacts of user-generated content.
  • Billur Akdeniz Talay poses in Paul College

    Helping Managers Sleep Better at Night

    Billur Akdeniz Talay, associate professor of marketing sciences, strives to identify the answers to key questions.
  • Professor Aktekin poses in a Paul College classroom

    Data You Can Count On

    Creating a newer, faster model for performing complex estimations.
  • Alison Chen poses outside

    Optimizing Supply Chain Strategy

    Researcher creates a multi-period model to guide pricing and ordering decisions.
  • Research Reaches for the Friendly Skies

    Research Reaches for the Friendly Skies

    Paul College professor helps to solve the problem of designing a unified flight system.
  • Professor Chris Glynn poses in a Paul College classroom

    New Understanding of Homelessness

    A researcher connects a chronic urban problem with escalating rents.
  • Richard Haynes

    The Culture Maker

    Through his art and his admissions work, Richard Haynes brings hope, love and unity.
  • NSF Career Award Laura Dietz

    A Smarter Search

    Dietz receives NSF CAREER Award.
  • Wayne Jones Jr.

    Job One

    A focus on student success convinced Wayne Jones Jr. to become UNH’s new provost.
  • The UNH campus in early spring

    An Update from the President

    President Dean's latest letter to the UNH community focuses on strategic priorities, racial equity challenge and campus climate.
  • Kiwiberry-based Arguta Sour

    Berry Good Beer

    UNH Brewing Science Lab has created a kiwiberry beer.
  • Assistant Professor of Finance Zhaozhao He posing in hallway

    The Cash to Compete

    Companies look to lock in talent and send a message to would-be poachers.
  • Associate Professor of Accounting Catherine Plante and Assistant Professor of Accounting Linda Ragland pose outside of Paul College

    Do Nonprofit Hospitals Earn Their Tax Breaks?

    Paul College researchers answer “yes,” but suggest many could do more.
  • Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior Michael Kukenberger posing next to railing

    Teams Matter

    Teams are replacing hierarchies, and shared leadership is emerging as the key driver in many teams’ success.
  • Associate Professor of Finance Milhail Miletkov standing in front of a world map

    Board Games

    Finance professor Mihail Miletkov looks at board structure through an international lens.
  • Associate Professor of Hospitality Management and Fulbright Scholar Valentini Kalargyrou poses in hallway

    Dramatic Discovery

    To better understand how customers view employees with disabilities, Valentini Kalargyrou staged a “play” that proved the experts wrong.
  • Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management Jennifer Griffith standing in a hallway of Paul College

    Deal With It

    Jennifer Griffith is fascinated by the psychosocial issues that get in the way of good decision making, including emotions but also bias, perception, and that old standby, inertia. One workplace...
  • Marketing professor Tom Gruen poses in front of a white board

    Taking Stock of Out-of-Stock

    Major study shows just how far online inventories have to go to keep customers satisfied.
  • UNH's Matt MacManes

    Meet Our Faculty: Matthew MacManes

    "When I graduated from high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, so I decided to be an exchange student." 
  • Bridging the Gap

    Bridging the Gap

    Two partnerships between UNH and public officials are addressing infrastructure challenges in New Hampshire's Seacoast region.
  • On the PATH to Health

    On the PATH to Health

    Northeast Passage, UNH's nationally recognized therapeutic recreation and adaptive sports program, is partnering with veterans and veterans' organizations.
  • Diane Foster

    Taking the Helm

    Diane Foster, professor of mechanical and ocean engineering, is new leader of UNH's School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering.
  • Jan Nisbet and James Dean talk in his office

    A Closing Inquiry

    James W. Dean Jr., who became UNH's 20th president in June 2018, speaks with senior vice provost for research Jan Nisbet about partnerships, research and his vision for UNH.
  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein stands in front of a chalkboard with equations

    New to the Faculty

    Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is a theoretical cosmologist whose scholarship breaks down intellectual and disciplinary barriers.
  • Mike Paglia and Dave Hallal in an empty warehouse

    Biotech Innovators

    David Hallal ’88 and Mike Paglia ’02G are united in ElevateBio, a new venture for cell and gene therapy innovation.
  • Helping Others Achieve

    Helping Others Achieve

    Chase Retrosi '20 always knew he wanted to be an educator. At UNH, he found his passion in the experiential field.
  • Finding His Footing

    Finding His Footing

    Grey Miller ’20 was a little nervous coming to #UNH as an out-of-state student.
  • Audrey Balaska '19

    A Passion to Help

    Back in high school, when Audrey Balaska ’19 was thinking about what she wanted to study in college, she came up with a list of three possibilities.
  • UNH President James Dean Jr.

    Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

    A letter from President James "Jim" Dean Jr.
  • Emily Woods '19

    "Just People"

    Before Emily Woods ’19 started her internship at a homeless shelter in Boston, she was scared.
  • UNH Hockey: Behind the Scenes

    UNH Hockey: Behind the Scenes

    UNH hockey is part of the fabric of the university. Get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes at a game.
  • The Future of UNH

    The Future of UNH

    President Dean outlines UNH's strategic priorities and overarching goal of becoming one of the top 25 public universities in the nation.
  • Online MBA Program Ranked #51 Nationally

    Online MBA Program Ranked #51 Nationally

    U.S. News & World Report has ranked UNH’s online MBA program #51 in the nation.
  • Outdoor therapy students at UNH

    WMUR: UNH Study Looks at Using Outdoor Therapy to Help People Battling Addiction

    Study shows that adventure therapy for substance use disorder treatment has better outcomes than traditional therapy
  • McConnell Hall

    Improving Hate Crime Data

    UNH will lead national effort to gather better data on hate crimes.
  • Paul College exterior view with students walking

    Making the Grade

    Paul College has been ranked number 58 among the nation's best undergraduate business schools by Poets&Quants.
  • Stream in Puerto Rico

    Hurricane Double-Shot

    UNH research finds Hurricanes Irma, Maria had lasting impact on Puerto Rico's streams.
  • Vicky Bandera '19

    Strength After Chemo

    In her research, Vicky Bandera '19 was trying to answer the question: does cancer treatment affect muscle strength?   
  • AAAS Honor

    AAAS Honor

    UNH environmental science professor William McDowell has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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