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  • UNH poitical interns
    - Capital Opportunities
    On Dec. 1, 2009, in an evening address to the nation, U.S. President Barack Obama announced the commitment of an additional 30,000 troops to the war effort in Afghanistan. Early... Read More
  • UNH alums in politics illustration
    - By the Numbers
    From New Hampshire to the nation's capital to the West Coast, there are hundreds of UNH alums with political careers. Some of them knew they wanted to pursue a life of public... Read More
  • NH Presidential Primary
    - Primary Sources
    Why does little New Hampshire wield so much power in the presidential nomination process? Read More
  • primary memorabilia
    - Much Ado About Student Voters
    On Election Day 2012, the line of people waiting to register and vote at Durham’s Oyster River High School snaked down long hallways and around corners, doubled back on itself and... Read More
  • Cardinal sculpture
    - Big Bird
    There’s a new bird on the Durham campus, nesting on a plot of lawn off Main Street near the Health Services building. “Cardinal,” a powder-coated steel, eight-foot-tall sculpture... Read More
  • Prevention Innovations Research Center staff
    - Prevention Pioneers
    At its fifth annual Innovators’ Dinner, UNHInnovation (UNHI) made good on its mission to recognize the full sweep of innovation, including intellectual property and creative work... Read More
  • UNH gymnastics youth camp
    - Wildcats in Training
    Photo: Tracy M. Sweet '92 They line up for autographs, selfies and high fives after UNH games. They imitate the techniques of their favorite players and look up to them as role... Read More
  • UNH assistant professor Iago Hale
    - Fresh, Local … Kiwis?
    If Iago Hale has his way, in a few years you may be topping your breakfast cereal with a handful of fresh kiwiberries you bought at your local farmer’s market. That’s right, local... Read More
  • Shawn Jasper '89
    - Mr. Speaker, Public Servant
    Growing up on his family’s poultry farm in Hudson, New Hampshire, Shawn Jasper ’89 quickly learned about the pecking order. When new chickens are introduced to an existing flock,... Read More
  • Mike Vlacich '95
    - Coming Full Circle
    It was a few days before the 1992 presidential election, and Mike Vlacich ’95, a volunteer on Bill Clinton’s first campaign, needed $25 to rent a car. Vlacich and a friend planned... Read More