
Recent Stories

  • Paul College Building at night
    - UNH Receives Two BOB Awards
    New Hampshire Business Review recently announced the winners of its 2015 Best of Business Awards (BOB), and the University of New Hampshire captured two. The UNH MBA program... Read More
  • UNH Women's Volleyball
    - Sports Roundup: Winter 2015
      Elinor Purrier ’17 just can’t stop winning. The speedy sophomore— the first Wildcat athlete to be named a National Athlete of the Week by the U.S. Track & Field and Cross... Read More
  • UNh Law building
    - UNH Law Continues Its Ranking Among the Top 100 Law Schools
    The University of New Hampshire School of Law is again ranked among the top 100 law schools in an annual survey by U.S. News and World Report. Additionally, for the 24th year in... Read More
  • Your Career is Her Business
    - Your Career is Her Business
    This is the second profile in our 10 Under 30 series featuring a glimpse at what some of UNH’s most recent graduates are up to. Krystal Hicks graduated from UNH in 2007, and she... Read More
  • Students crossing bridge in winter
    - Sustainable Happiness
    Happiness Cubed Happiness studies span disciplines — each of these Liberal Arts course offerings takes its own unique approach to the topic. Interested students might take all... Read More
  • Thompson Hall
    - National Searches Underway, Search Committees Formed
    Two national searches are currently underway, one for the next provost and a new position of vice president for enrollment management. UNH President Mark Huddleston will chair the... Read More
  • Six Legs and a Heart
    - Six Legs and a Heart
    Allison McCully’s colleagues don’t invite her to meetings or greet her with a steaming cup of coffee. Instead, they might whinny or stomp their feet to welcome McCully, who is... Read More
  • Devoted to the Nth Degree
    - Devoted to the Nth Degree
    To say Yitang “Tom” Zhang is a math whiz might be the understatement of the century. His 2014 breakthrough on the twin prime conjecture caught the attention of number theorists... Read More
  • John Aber
    - UNH Researcher Will Discuss Climate and Land Use at Organic Farmers Conference
    John Aber, professor of natural resources at the University of New Hampshire and researcher with the N.H. Agricultural Experiment Station, will discuss future climate and land use... Read More
  • Global Communicator
    - Global Communicator
    Sheila McNamee brings a global perspective to her work as professor of communication at UNH. Over the course of her career so far she has held visiting professor appointments in... Read More