
Recent Stories

  • Interior of the UNH Dairy Bar
    - First in the State
    Anyone who has enjoyed a delicious salad or sundae shot while chatting with friends at the UNH Dairy Bar knows this restaurant is one of a kind. Now, the Green Restaurant... Read More
  • UNH student Cam Calato '17
    - 27 Centuries in 90 Minutes
    What do Syria, Nepal, Iran, ancient Galatia and sixth-century Europe have in common? Read More
  • UNH senior Jennie Marinucci in Washington, DC
    - Health, Care and Understanding
    One UNH senior who is part of this year's Undergraduate Research Conference has also taken her research off campus after being selected for the 20th Annual Posters on the Hill... Read More
  • students walking for Relay for Life
    - Fighting Together
      Students participating in Relay for Life walkathon  “Everyone has been affected by cancer in one way or another, and, in a way, it connects all of us,” said Rebecca Maskwa,... Read More
  • Lauren Lydon and client
    - People Are Learning Here
    Some of the best partnerships are those bred from need. Take the collaboration between the occupational therapy department and Friends in Action, a nonprofit that serves adults... Read More
  • CO2 in the Sea
    - CO2 in the Sea
    Each year, tons of burning fossil fuel pumps greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the air and roughly 25 percent of that CO2 gets absorbed by the world’s oceans. Read More
  • SPARK 2016 Research Review - Climate Change
    - SPARK 2016
    Flip through the most recent issue of SPARK, UNH’s annual research review. Read More
  • National Weather Service heat index map
    - Model Science
    Call them the fortunetellers of climate change: Climate models, which draw on the physics and chemistry of the Earth and its oceans and atmosphere, are at the heart of... Read More
  • Car driving on a flooded roadway
    - The New Normal
    As our climate changes, our food and forests, our transportation, even our health will become vulnerable. From pines to pavement, weeds to wheezing, UNH researchers are working on... Read More
  • Cameron Wake skiing in Denali National Park
    - All Eyes on the Arctic
    Each summer, a handful of UNH researchers pass up New England’s hard-won summer and head to the remote glaciers, peatlands and oceans on top of the world. There, they’re exploring... Read More