The Interagency Advanced Power Group visited UNH's John Olson Center for Advanced Manufacturing at its recent meeting.
Last week (June 6 – 8, 2023), UNH hosted federal government researchers for a meeting of the Interagency Advanced Power Group, a federal organization that strives to share information and increase effectiveness of the interagency research and development in advanced power. The meeting showcased UNH expertise in energy, the environment and advanced power and highlighted world-class facilities like the Olson Center, the InterOperability Lab and Chase Ocean Engineering.
UNH researchers networked with science representatives from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Department of Energy, NASA, and Department of Transportation and presented work in relevant areas, including marine energy and electrification of heating in New England.
“Hosting this meeting builds on the momentum of our Department of Energy National Lab Day in October,” says Marian McCord, senior vice provost for research, economic engagement and outreach. “UNH continues to demonstrate our value as strategic research partners to government agencies tackling a clean energy future.”
Written By:
Beth Potier | UNH Marketing | beth.potier@unh.edu | 2-1566