The University of New Hampshire at Manchester has named 244 students to the Dean's List for superior scholastic performance during the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year.
Students named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire have earned a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher on a possible 4.0 scale in a minimum of 12 graded course credits.
Congratulations to the UNH Manchester spring 2022 Dean's List students, listed by town below.
New Hampshire Students
Yuly Monsalve Cabeza, Electrical Engineering Technology, Honors
Robert Skaff, Communication Arts: Cinema and Media Arts, High Honors
Isabella Darling, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Rylie McCoy, Biological Sciences, High Honors
Kelly Merrifield, Psychology, Highest Honors
Lindsey Miller, Psychology, High Honors
Eshwar Senthilnathan, Computer Information Systems, High Honors
William Brunet, Communication Arts: Digital Media, High Honors
Sierra Miller, Biological Sciences, Honors
Christopher Barley, Electrical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Lillyann Jin, Biological Sciences, High Honors
Emily Reed, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Meliha Ulker, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Aliya Kamran, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Kimberly Gosselin, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Taylor Owens, Business, High Honors
Patrick Baker, Electrical Engineering Technology, Honors
Center Barnstead
Natasha Byers, Business, High Honors
Center Harbor
Sarah Cole, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Emily Krueger, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Meghan Slater, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Karalyn Wright, English Teaching, High Honors
Marion Lovett, Psychology, Highest Honors
Nolan Davis, Neuropsychology, High Honors
Ethan De Angelis, Homeland Security, Highest Honors
Benjamin Fletcher, Computer Science, Honors
Tristin Garvin, Business, High Honors
Mark Guerrera, Business, Highest Honors
Kari-Lynn Knight, Neuropsychology, High Honors
Lauren Marsh, Psychology, Highest Honors
June McCall, Prof & Tech Communications, High Honors
Joseph Planchet, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Ashna Siddiqui, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Fardeen Siddiqui, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Matthew Steinhauser, Business, Highest Honors
Emily Ehrmanntraut, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Honors
Sophia Velasquez, Communication Arts, High Honors
Jordan Bussiere, Homeland Security, Honors
Helena Celeste, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Keara Doolan, Neuropsychology, Honors
James Gautreau, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Monique Gingras, Biotechnology, Honors
Emma Groenewal, ASL/English Interpreting, High Honors
Taylor Harper, Communication Arts, Highest Honors
Abraham Laplante, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Emily Longo, Biological Sciences, Honors
Camden Lynch, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
StephanieAnne Mastro, Business, High Honors
Emily Persson, Biotechnology, High Honors
Lourdes Reyes Pineda, Business, High Honors
Jordan White, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Dylan Haus, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Sierra Holmes, Homeland Security, Highest Honors
Uyen Ly, Biotechnology, High Honors
Bryanna Rizas, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Grace Beachel, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
East Hampstead
Benjamin Bernier, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Maggie Briggs, Biotechnology, High Honors
Anthony Clark, Computer Information Systems, Honors
Thomas Walker, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Jordan Fessenden, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Patrick Austin, Homeland Security, High Honors
Mariah Beaudoin, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Jacob Henry, Computer Information Systems, Honors
Fernando Perez, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Adam Zienkiewicz, Communication Arts: Cinema and Media Arts, High Honors
Troy Lovecky, Electrical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Jocelyn Dennis, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
James Flynn, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Damian Fowler, Computer Science, High Honors
Logan Valdez, Computer Science, Honors
Christopher Inzinga, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Mariah Wilson, Business, High Honors
Amanda Hebert, ASL/English Interpreting, Honors
Trever Huuskonen, Mechanical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Katelyn Leger, English Teaching, Highest Honors
Madelyn Saab, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Stephen Schwab, Electrical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Shaye Sullivan, Business, Highest Honors
Taylor Wilder, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Nathan Gaudette, Business: Accounting, High Honors
Sarah Katsohis, Business, Highest Honors
Michael LeBlanc, Communication Arts, High Honors
Steven MacLeod, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Adam Morvant, Computer Information Systems, Honors
Daniel Engelsen, Mechanical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Michael Maltais, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Vishnu Soni, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Erin Blais, Literary Studies, Highest Honors
Hunter Caron, Homeland Security, Honors
Katie Levesque, General Studies, High Honors
Karla Almanzar Sandoval, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Rachel Anastasi, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Saba Awan, Homeland Security, High Honors
Jacob Bolduc, Electrical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Samantha Bristol, Electrical Engineering Technology, Honors
Alyssa Cole, Biotechnology, High Honors
Sage Dieffenbach, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Michael Evers, Homeland Security, Highest Honors
Lauren Ferraro, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Leonard Gratton, Electrical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Kristofer Haken, Business, Highest Honors
Rhea Hernandez, Biotechnology, High Honors
Christopher Kilgore, Homeland Security, High Honors
Megan Maher, Biological Sciences, High Honors
James Rooney, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Jonathan Rooney, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Luke St. Cyr, English Teaching, High Honors
James Vidal Cardona, Biological Sciences, High Honors
Nathaniel Simard, Communication Arts, Honors
Maryam Ahmad, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Tara Anderson, Business, High Honors
Parker Baumann, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Kyle Belouin, Computer Information Systems, High Honors
Lauryn Blake, UndeclUNHM, High Honors
Lee Brown, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Matthew Burnell, Business, Highest Honors
Taylor Burwen, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Amanda Conrad, General Studies, Highest Honors
Delaney Cote, Pub Service & Nonprofit Leadership, Honors
Nicolas Cullerot, Business: Accounting, Highest Honors
Hieu Dang, Computer Science, High Honors
Elvis Demirovic, Biotechnology, High Honors
William DeSilva, Biological Sciences, Honors
Kaitlyn Douillard, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Ethan Edwards, Biotechnology, High Honors
Christopher Fifty, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Noah Forest, Psychology, Honors
Eric Frederic, Psychology, Honors
Angela Fuentes, Pub Service & Nonprofit Leadership, High Honors
Nicole Gallien, Biotechnology, Honors
Thomas Gerton, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Rachel Gilman, Literary Studies, High Honors
Jai-Lynn Goss, Electrical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Ariel Grad, Computer Information Systems, High Honors
Lauren Hastings, English Teaching, Highest Honors
Jacob Hawkesworth, Computer Science, High Honors
Lejla Hodzic, Biotechnology, High Honors
Nadin Jailaubekova, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Michael Kane, Psychology, Highest Honors
Phoebe Kelley, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Elvira Kibarova, Biological Sciences, Honors
Andrew Kraemer, Electrical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Isabelle Laizure, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Angela LeBrun, Business, Highest Honors
Savannah Lopez, Biotechnology, Honors
Grant Mangan, Biotechnology, High Honors
Elizabeth Marcoux, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Carissa McDonald, Neuropsychology, High Honors
Megan McKinnon, Psychology, Honors
Ahd Mohamed, Biotechnology, Honors
Ashley Nelson, Business, Highest Honors
Anh Nguyen, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Long Nguyen, Computer Science, Highest Honors
Allison Pham, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Amir Rahimov, Computer Information Systems, High Honors
Sabrina Rahme, Humanities, High Honors
Juan Reyes, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Daiana Rosa, ASL/English Interpreting, High Honors
Evan Ryan, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Stephanie Slaybe, Pub Service & Nonprofit Leadership, Honors
Kathy Tran, Business Admin, High Honors
Shoshana Trudel, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Alexandra Twitchell, Psychology, Highest Honors
Alexander Wachenfeld, Computer Science, High Honors
Tristen Witkowski, Neuropsychology, Honors
Matthew Woodworth, Biotechnology, High Honors
Taylor Wright, Business: Accounting, Honors
Ian Alton, Electrical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Catherine Caban, Psychology, High Honors
Tara Duffy, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Sean Golden, Computer Science, High Honors
Max Hayes-Hunsicker, UndeclUNHM, Honors
Joshua Korsak, Mechanical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Kaitlin McManus, Analytics & Data Sci:Analytics, Highest Honors
McKenzy Miller, Psychology, Highest Honors
Christopher Puzzo, Computer Science, Honors
Joshua Puzzo, Communication Arts, Honors
Rylee Szok, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
John Tiano, Homeland Security, Honors
Cameron Audette, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Grant Bonczar, Mechanical Engineering Technology, High Honors
Ellie Brown, Computer Information Systems, High Honors
Kevin Lam, Business, Highest Honors
Jacob Young, Humanities, High Honors
Mont Vernon
Millissa Frings-Petersen, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Sandy Andrews, Psychology, Honors
Nicholas Cardin, Computer Information Systems, Honors
Jonathan Cashman-Aussant, Neuropsychology, Highest Honors
Christopher Charbonneau, Computer Science, High Honors
Hannah Chisholm, Pub Service & Nonprofit Leadership, High Honors
Jessica Elkins, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Marina Frisch, Communication Arts: Cinema and Media Arts, Highest Honors
Abigail Gendron, English Teaching, Highest Honors
Catherine Hevey, Communication Arts: Cinema and Media Arts, Highest Honors
Nina Lavigne, Business: Accounting, Honors
Katherine Lockridge, Psychology, Highest Honors
Daniel Lougee, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Pamella Lais Mozzer, Neuropsychology, Honors
Andre Nasrah, Computer Information Systems, Highest Honors
Nirav Patel, Homeland Security, High Honors
David Pinheiro, Literary Studies, High Honors
Jessica Ricard, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Cameron Ricard, Business, Honors
Joseph Risteen, Communication Arts:Advertising & Pub Relations, High Honors
Cameron Schuyler, Communication Arts: Cinema and Media Arts, High Honors
Alisbet Veras, Business: Accounting, High Honors
Raunak Vijay, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
New Boston
Alyssa Henderson, Communication Arts: Digital Media, Honors
Andrew Snitgen, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Kelsey Wynn, Analytics & Data Sci:Analytics, Honors
New Hampton
Maxfield Paro, Communication Arts, Highest Honors
Polly Lorien, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Haley Belanger, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Dylan Conroy, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
Kenneth Paquette, Biotechnology, Honors
Ryan Johnson, Neuropsychology, High Honors
Autumn Bedell, Homeland Security, Honors
Cassidy Kearns, Business, Honors
Malina Popa, Electrical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Andrew Getchell, Computer Science, High Honors
Trevor Massey, Biological Sciences, Highest Honors
Janessa Pilotte, Business: Accounting, High Honors
Jessica Harley, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Hanna Kurtenbach, Biotechnology, Highest Honors
David Reynolds, Computer Information Systems, Honors
Lauren Tarbuck, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Matthew Winders, Pub Service & Nonprofit Leadership, Highest Honors
Briana Demers, Communication Arts, Honors
Megan Frank, Literary Studies, Honors
Olivia Lacey, Business, High Honors
Samuel Miller, Business, Honors
Madison Hardy, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Bryan Robbins, Computer Science, Honors
Layne Cilley, Biotechnology, Honors
John Klucinec, Communication Arts: Cinema and Media Arts, Highest Honors
West Lebanon
Logan Audsley, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Highest Honors
Hattie Cadreact, Communication Arts, High Honors
Sara Soti, Business: Accounting, Highest Honors
Erika Burgess, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Out-of-State Students
Sophie Stock, ASL/English Interpreting, Honors
Lauren Martins, ASL/English Interpreting, High Honors
Joel Osterman, Biological Sciences, Honors
New York
Claire Patnaude, ASL/English Interpreting, Highest Honors
Compiled By:
Kassidy Taylor | Marketing & Communications, UNH Manchester | kassidy.taylor@unh.edu