C.C. Hendricks joins the faculty this fall

Sunday, May 17, 2020
C.C. Hendricks, new director of first-year writing at UNH Manchester

The University of New Hampshire at Manchester welcomes C.C. Hendricks, who joins the faculty as assistant professor and director of first-year writing beginning this fall. 

Hendricks comes to UNH Manchester from Syracuse University where she is a doctoral candidate and dissertation fellow in Composition and Cultural Rhetoric. She teaches undergraduate composition courses and has served as a consultant in writing centers and a Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program. Her research interests include feminist rhetorics, political satire, WAC, rhetorical history, affect studies, and Writing Program Administration. Her dissertation, "Mobilizing Affect: The Rhetoric and Circulation of Political Satire News Shows," draws from rhetorical history, feminist and queer affect studies, and circulation studies to offer a multi-faceted rhetorical analysis of three popular political satire televisions shows and their circulation

Hendricks holds Master of Arts degrees in English Education and Liberal Studies from Appalachian State University and University of North Carolina at Wilmington, respectively.

Kassidy Taylor | Marketing & Communications, UNH Manchester | kassidy.taylor@unh.edu