Career fairs are a great way to network with employers and explore internship opportunities.
With spring semester approaching, many students may be considering an internship in the near future. Whether you’re currently on the lookout for an academic internship or want to be prepared when you do need one, here are five tips and tricks to assist you on your search.
- Set up an informational interview. If you don’t know what kind of internship experience you want, or if you don’t know what to expect from a position that interests you, an informational interview is a great way to find out. It’s a way for you to learn more about job fields and position opportunities, work on your networking skills and get your foot in the door if you find the position is right for you.
- Use Handshake. For college students, Handshake is a valuable networking and internship search tool. Browse hundreds of available positions from local industries who are looking for college students and alumni to fill their roles. You can also apply to interesting positions right on the site. Be sure to check out other networking sites through the UNH Career and Professional Success (CaPS) webpage.
- Utilize CaPS. When you’ve found positions you’re interested in, it’s time to make sure you show off your best self through your application paperwork and online professional image. The UNH Manchester's CaPS team offers useful templates and information about how to write your resumes and cover letters. LinkedIn is also a great way to educate employers about who you are, your skills and experience,and what you are working towards career-wise. Make sure everything is up-to-date before applying to any position. Schedule your appointment with CaPS
- Strengthen your resume with VMock. With today’s world being mostly online, the job application process is no exception. This is where one of CaPS’s online resources comes into play: VMock.On Vmock, you upload your resume, then you are given your results as grades in different areas employers and online resume-reading programs look at. It checks for overused and filler words, formatting and more. With specific and constructive feedback, strengthening your resume is a breeze.
- Go to a career and internship fair. Fairs are great opportunities to talk directly with employers about their internship opportunities. With a plethora of employers from many local industries available, you can pick and choose which ones you’re interested in speaking to, and you may even be able to give them your application paperwork right then and there. Be sure to dress professionally, bring multiple copies of your resume and rehearse your elevator pitch before you arrive to any career and internship fair.
- Schedule a mock interview. Feeling nervous about your interview? Making a mock interview appointment can really help ease the worries while also giving you pointers on how to make your interview more successful. Contact CaPS to schedule your mock interview
The Manchester CaPS team is here to help you with your questions, concerns, search support and job preparation. Feel free to contact us or stop by office 430 for resume and cover letter templates, informational events, mock interviews and friendly staff who are happy to help with anything you need to be successful.
Written By:
Julia Denaro '21 | Marketing Intern, UNH Manchester | jad1085@wildcats.unh.edu