Three new UNH graduates who have received Fulbright English teaching assistantships will spend nine months abroad working in classrooms alongside local teachers and serving as cultural ambassadors for the United States. A fourth 2019 graduate and a 2016 alumna were named alternates.
Amada Guapisaca ’19, a dual major in international affairs and economics with a focus on global trade and finance, will teach English in Brazil. The Little Neck, New York, resident will also conduct research on how political corruption and the economic recession have affected Brazil’s favelas.
Connor Mullins ’18, ’19G of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, is a graduate student in secondary education heading to Vietnam. There, Mullins hopes to learn more about the culture and gain a sense of what it means to be Vietnamese.
Andrew Jablonski ’19 is going to Berlin after graduating with majors in German, French and international affairs. The Newmarket, New Hampshire, native hopes to work with children who have immigrant backgrounds.
Katja Kleyensteuber ’16, a high school music teacher in Claremont, New Hampshire, is one of two alternates who will go to their chosen country should a finalist decline their award. Kleyensteuber applied to go to The Netherlands. Meaghan Gardena ’19, also chosen as an alternate, applied to go to Montenegro. The UNH Manchester graduate majored in English teaching.
Written By:
Jody Record ’95 | Communications and Public Affairs | jody.record@unh.edu