The (603) Challenge by the Numbers

Monday, June 17, 2019

A graphic showing 603 Challenge results

It's happened again: The (603) Challenge has broken its prior records, raising more than $1.2 million to support UNH's colleges, teams and programs.

More than 7,000 UNH alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends contributed to the fifth installment of The (603) Challenge and were able to see their gifts make an even bigger impact thanks to underwriters who provided bonus and matching funds for this year's initiative.

“With every bonus challenge met and 255 designations supported in this year's challenge, we can't help but be inspired by the collective generosity of the Wildcat family,” says Jackie Peterson, director of annual giving at UNH.

Interested in supporting the areas of the university that mean the most to you? There's still time before the fiscal year ends on June 30. Learn more at GIving to UNH.

Loren Marple ’13 | Communications and Public Affairs | | 603-862-0600
Jennifer Saunders | Communications and Public Affairs | | 603-862-3585