The library’s research and learning services division is coordinating a transition from RefWorks to Zotero and wants the campus community to be aware of this change. Current RefWorks users who would like to save their citations will need to export them by July 1.
This decision was made after careful consideration of several factors, including: the yearly cost, RefWorks’ shrinking user group and the lack of cross-platform support. Equally good citation management tools are available at little to no cost. Article citations can also be easily found when using most library-licensed databases.
The UNH Library will continue to support the well-established and open source citation management tool Zotero. Individual librarians may support other tools as well, including Mendeley and EndNote. For more information or assistance, please contact your subject librarian. See our calendar of events for more information. There are also research guides to help.
Changing tools can be challenging, and librarians are here to help. If you have questions about transitioning away from RefWorks, please Ask a Librarian.