The Center for Social Innovation and Enterprise’s (CSIE) summer Social Innovation Internship program is under way with several international affairs dual majors as part of this year’s group.
Internships for People, Planet and Profit
CSIE selects a handful of idealistic, high-achieving, impact-focused student leaders for the Social Innovation Internship program. Each intern works at a different leading for-profit or nonprofit organization for a rigorous and meaningful summer internship. Interns spend the majority of the summer at their respective host organizations and occasionally come together as a cohort for trainings in social innovation and entrepreneurship. At the end of their internship, students present on their experiences at the Showcase. We hope you can join us on July 25th.
Quincy Abramson is a rising senior dual majoring in Italian Studies and International Affairs, with a minor in Art History. Quincy is passionate about intersectional activism and advocacy and has served as the Director of the UNH Diversity Support Coalition, on the Presidential Task Force on Campus Climate, and has worked on multiple progressive campaigns for non-profits and politicians. Quincy will be interning at the NH Community Loan Fund/ROC NH on their Resident Owned Communities project. Her goal is to apply these experiences while working abroad after she graduates.
Olivia Brigagliano is a rising junior dual majoring in Economics and International Affairs, with a minor in French. She is currently involved in the Alternative Break Challenge and WUNH, UNH’s own radio station. Wanting to make a positive impact on the community around her through a meaningful summer internship, she is interning at the Freedom Café, which seeks to end human trafficking and the commercial exploitation of all people by providing consistent community engagement, education, and a simple way to fund the work necessary for a traffic-free world. With a passion for social change, she hopes to one-day build on her experiences to propel her into a career with impact.
Justin Klingler is a graduating senior dual majoring in Political Science and International Affairs with a minor in Spanish. During his time at UNH, he has been an RA in Stoke Hall and involved with the New Hampshire Outing Club and the UNH Ski and Board Club. He has also served on the Executive Board of Alternative Break Challenge (ABC) and co-led an ABC trip to Florida during spring break 2018. Upon graduation in 2018, he will be enrolled in the Masters in Public Policy program through the Carsey School of Public Policy. Justin is very interested in environmental policy and sees himself working to improve the environment with a non-profit, governmental, or non-governmental organization. This summer he will be interning with the Community Development Finance Authority, a state-authorized non-profit whose mission is to enable thriving, vibrant local economies in New Hampshire. As an intern, he will be researching ways to overcome the “Split Incentive”, a well-known barrier to the development of clean energy projects. He is excited to learn about ways to remove barriers so that more people can gain access to clean energy.
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