There's something for every student in this year's Parents Association grant awards.
From out-of-this-world explorations to a cappella, 31 student-centered clubs and organizations are getting more of the funds they need to provide Wildcats with exceptional experiences.
The Parents Council, leadership group of the association, has approved $64,601.95 in funding through its endowment for the 2017-2018 academic year. As Pam Dey Vossler, the council’s president, explains, Parents Association Grants are geared to providing seed money for emerging projects, expansions of existing efforts and new aspects of ongoing initiatives.
“It is such a privilege to get to give away this money each year. In my opinion, it is one of the best things the Parents Council does,” Vossler says. “It is always so inspiring to see the many things our students are doing to reach out to the world and expand their own horizons through these activities. They represent many of the key aspects of what the UNH experience stands for — resourcefulness, intellectual curiosity, cutting-edge research, hands-on learning and fun!”
Vossler also thanked Cheryl Sanborn, the Parents Council’s student enrichment chair, as well as the Office of the Dean of Students for their hard work in the grant process.
This year’s grant recipients are:
Outdoor Adventures Bouldering Wall $2,300 for the purchase of climbing shoes and holds.
UNH Women in Business $1,300 to help host the Third Annual Women in Business Conference at UNH in April.
Comm-entary $1,960 to help fund efforts to digitalize and expand their presence with a website featuring student and faculty work and establish and facilitate a research symposium in the spring.
Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Club $ 1,000 to help fund the team’s efforts to build two underwater ROVs and present their project at the Naval Engineering Consortium conference in Keyport, Washington.
UNH Dance Team $2,200 to provide funding for the purchase of warmup jackets for the team in advance of this year’s national competition.
UNH Extra Terrestrial Navigational Swarm $1,000 to build “a swarm of fully autonomous, self-guided rovers” for extra-terrestrial exploration. The long-range goal of this group is to present at the Undergraduate Research Conference and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
UNH Luna Cats $1,000 to help fund the organization’s efforts to design and build a mining robot to compete at the NASA Robotics Mining Competition at the Kennedy Space Center.
UNH Chem E-Car $1,000 to help fund the research and development of a car, entirely fueled by chemical reactions, to enter at the 2018 Northeast Regional Competition.
UNH Shooting Sports Club $1,542 to fund the purchase of a gun safe to allow for the safe storage of club member firearms.
Prevention Innovations Research Center $2,200 for the purchase of food, drink and gift cards to support the work of this center.
UNH AeroCats $4,000 to help in the design and building of two remote-controlled planes to compete in the SAE Aero Design East Competition in Florida in March. This group is made up of mechanical engineering students.
Campus Recreation: Outdoor Adventures $2,250 to fund snowshoes, snowshoe maintenance kits, snowshoe strap replacements and 20-degree sleeping bags.
UNH Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Precision Racing Team $2,000 to build an engine for a racecar the group has designed and built to compete at the international Formula SAE competition in May.
UNH Model United Nations (UN) Conference $2,000 to develop and host the first Model UN Conference at UNH, which would be open to high school students and give them a UN experience.
Model UN NYC Conference $2,000 to assist in funding UNH’s Model UN trip to New York City to compete in the National Model UN Conference.
Student Occupational Therapy Association $2,000 for conference and registration fees to attend the national Occupational Therapy Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Students Without Borders $1,000 to help fund both global and local engineering projects to improve the global quality of life while gaining hands-on engineering experience. Projects are planned in Peru and Uganda.
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space $3,863 to participate in a national rocketry competition and to present outreach events in the community, including to K-12 students.
UNH Automated Surface Vehicle (ASV) Team $3,000 to fund the design and construction of ASVs, self-driving, self-aware boats that are able to operate without human control that can be used for search and rescue, aquatic research and ocean mapping.
Women’s Rowing $2,000 to support the purchase of a new truck to drive boats and students to regattas.
Men’s Rowing $2,000 to support the purchase of a new truck to drive boats and students to regattas.
UNH Outdoor Education Community $500 to create an augmented reality topography sandbox. This is a multipurpose, interactive educational tool.
UNH Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse $3,395 for a new portable scoreboard that would also benefit 10 club sports.
Alabaster Blue A Cappella $2,000 to create a studio album of professionally recorded songs that would be available for the UNH community.
DIY Engineering $3,000 to build a hydroelectric generator, hovercraft, quadcopter, reverse-steering bicycle, thermoelectric battery charger, electric motorized skateboard and remote-controlled car with multidisciplinary teams of students. The long-term goal of this group is to engage all students in engineering.
NALA $1,220 to help fund The Foster Home Visit, a community outreach event, and NALA’s Kitchen, a fundraising event, from this organization run by and for women of color.
WUNH $3,750 to develop a new website and associated content-management system.
UNH Trash to Treasure $4,000 to assist in funding two new annual events, a textbook swap and a fashion repair and resale exhibition, as well as assist in covering the costs of renting the Whittemore Center for its 2018 yard sale.
UNH Women’s Volleyball $1,700 to assist with the purchase of new uniforms to be in compliance with uniform regulations when they compete at the national tournament.
Coffee with a Cop $2,421 to help fund the purchase of travel mugs bearing the University of New Hampshire Police Department’s logo, which will be given to the participants of their “Coffee with a Cop” events.
Department of Language, Literature and Cultures $1,000 to fund a cultural awareness video for new student orientation on communicating across differences.
Find out more about the UNH Parents Association.
Written By:
Jennifer Saunders | Communications and Public Affairs | jennifer.saunders@unh.edu | 603-862-3585