University community invited to CELEBRATE 150 event

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The university community is invited to the special event "How Land-Grant Universities Transformed American Higher Education” on Wednesday, March 29, at 4:30 p.m. in the Huddleston Ballroom.

Nathan Sorber
Nathan Sorber

Nathan Sorber of West Virginia University will speak about the history and impact of land-grant universities and the key roles they should have moving forward. Sorber is author of “The Land-Grant Colleges and the Reshaping of American Higher Education” and the forthcoming book “The Morrill Act in Yankeedom: A History of the Origins and Early Years of the Land-Grant Colleges.” 

A moderated panel discussion and Q&A session about UNH's role in serving the public good will take place after Sorber’s talk. The panel will feature Nancy Targett, UNH provost and vice president for academic affairs, and Steve Taylor ’62, former New Hampshire commissioner of agriculture. Michael Ettlinger, director of the Carsey School of Public Policy, will moderate.

A reception celebrating UNH faculty and staff, which will include an exhibit of faculty contributions to the CELEBRATE 150 Academic Series, will take place after the panel discussion.

This event is part of the Celebrate 150 Academic Series. Register here to attend the event.