Ever thought about becoming a teacher? The University of New Hampshire is recruiting individuals interested in teaching in rural NH schools with a background in math or science but who do not yet have a teaching credential for the new Teacher Residency for Rural Education Program (TRRE).
TRRE is a 15-month teacher residency program that prepares high quality teachers in either elementary or secondary education math or science. During their first summer, residents will take graduate coursework, observe in schools, and complete a community-based internship to learn about the resources of the communities in which they will teach. During the academic year, residents will complete a yearlong “residency” alongside an experienced master teacher in an elementary, middle, or high school classroom.
Residents receive a living wage to support their learning while earning a master’s degree and teacher certification. In addition, during the first two years as a new teacher, Residents receive ongoing support and professional development. Residents commit to teach in rural high need NH schools for three years following graduation.
TRRE includes many partners around the state including the Department of Education, North Country Education Services and school districts throughout the North Country: Berlin, Dummer, Errol, Milan, Gorham Randolph Shelburne Cooperative, Laconia, and White Mountains Regional.
The first cohort begins May 2017. An undergraduate degree in either a math or science discipline is recommended but not required. Those with related backgrounds may still be eligible.
Interested individuals should contact Leslie Couse (Leslie.Couse@unh.edu) for further information.
Written By:
Leslie Couse | UNH Department of Education | leslie.couse@unh.edu | 603-862-0638