Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Victoria "Torie" DiPippo

As Victoria "Torie" DiPippo finds herself living in Houston, TX, working towards a Master’s degree at the University of Houston, a Carnegie-designated Tier One public research university, she thinks, "How did I get myself here? What did I do to get so lucky?" The answer, says DiPippo, is simple. "I chose to attend the University of New Hampshire in Manchester, and they chose to believe in me."

DiPippo graduated in May 2015 with a degree in Humanities. While she may not be attending the University at present, she says, "I am still and will always be a part of the UNH Manchester community." And, as such, she shares her top 15 things for students to consider at UNH Manchester. Read on!


Looking back, it’s easy for me to say that UNH Manchester provided me with the greatest opportunities imaginable, here’s how you can take advantage of them. 

15. Learn American Sign Language
UNH Manchester is home to the oldest accredited bachelor degree program in Sign Language Interpretation which I think is pretty cool! Prior to attending the University I had seldom interacted with the language, but at UNH Manchester it’s a part of our culture, and I fell in love with it. 

Not taking American Sign Language (ASL) is my biggest regret – really, it’s my only regret about UNH Manchester. Learning ASL opens up a gateway of communication previously unavailable between two people. If the classes don’t fit into your schedule, do what I did befriend students who are Sign Language Interpretation majors who are all very passionate about what they do. Ask them questions and educate yourself about Deaf culture.

14. Get to Know Your Professors
Whether you’re going to graduate school or into the job market after graduation, good references are a must. Getting to know your professors is a great way to secure those (that, and hard work of course). UNH Manchester, with its home-like sense of community, makes getting to know your professors easy.  

Beyond sparkling letters of recommendations, a good relationship with your professors is a good relationship with one of the top minds in their particular field of study – so go ahead, pick their brain and start filling your own well. 

13. Get to Know Your Classmates
The diverse student population makes for great discussions inside and outside the classroom. Try to really listen to your classmates and see from their perspective, reflect, and let your mind grow. 

I was able to get to know some amazing people who did amazing things students who owned their own businesses (some at the age of 18!), moms and dads, veterans, first-generation Americans, ESOL speakers, citizens of other countries, and recent high school graduates.

Our future politicians, teachers, journalists, doctors, and leaders – they’re all here. These are the people who will define a generation with you, get to know them. 

12. Get to Know the Staff
I have never met a community of staff members who are more supportive than at UNH Manchester. Every member of the team operates with one goal in mind: student success.

Getting to know the staff opened doors for me that I didn’t think were imaginable. They all believe so fully in the college and in their students it’s a beautiful thing. Quite frankly, our staff members rock! 

11. Become a Friend of the Library
On that same note – I’d like to give a shout out to the Library, because our librarians are the best! 

Whether it’s database research, journals, or books, they are ready to help you find what you need to further your quest for knowledge.

Also, if you’re stressed during Finals, the Learning Commons is the place to be. You can work on a puzzle with some friends, eat cookies, drink hot cocoa, and if you time it right, pet some adorable puppies! 

10. Take Advantage of Career Services
Another department that totally rocks my socks (honestly, they all do!) is the Internship and Career Planning department. You would be silly not to take advantage of the career services provided, including resume reviews, mock interviews, and great networking opportunities. Career Services also provides transportation to the Durham Job Fair every year as well as tips for while you’re there. 

9. Do an Internship
Internships are a great way to build your resume as well as gain real-world experience. Interested in two different fields in your study? An internship can help you narrow your focus.

Not sure if you’ll like working in an office environment? Internship.

Want the ability to demonstrate your skills beyond the classroom setting? Internship.

My internship at the Franco-American Centre provided me with more opportunities than I could even imagine, including meeting the Governor and the French Consulate to Boston. 

8. Take a Humanities Class
Take a class, or major in Humanities! Humanities classes are demanding and wonderful all at the same time.

Professors are passionate about what they do and they’ll make you passionate too! They open the mind and inspire thought  actually, I’m pretty sure I’m describing all of the classes I took at UNH Manchester.  

7. Enjoy Your Discovery Requirements
Some of the most profound classes I took were classes that I was required to take. Don’t let the “requirement” part fool you, these classes can and will be so worthwhile. Beyond forcing you out of your comfort zone, these classes will provide you with different lenses through which to see. I was always surprised to learn that I have so much more to learn! 

6. Attend First Year Service Day
If you’re new to UNH Manchester – first, welcome! Second, I hope you went to First Year Service Day!

First Year Service Day provides students with an opportunity to get to know fellow classmates and amazing staff before the semester starts. Not only is your involvement impactful in the community, but it will impact your entire experience at UNH Manchester, trust me. 

5. Make Manchester Your Campus
When UNH Manchester says that "the city is our campus" — they mean it. Whether it’s interning in the city or exploring, take advantage of the Manchester component of UNH Manchester.

Elm Street is just a quick walk (or bus ride) up the street and is loaded with culture! Greek food, French food, cupcakes, Cajun food, cupcakes, Italian, Hungarian, and did I mention the cupcakes?

The Verizon Wireless Arena has hockey games and great concerts, the baseball stadium is right across from the school, and the Currier Museum (which houses a Picasso, Monet and Van Gogh) is right up the street.

Get involved with Stay Work Play NH, an organization managed by an alum of UNH Manchester which highlights the great opportunities in New Hampshire. 

4. See a Tutor
Whether it’s for writing, math, science, or a language, the Center for Academic Enrichment (CAE) is an amazing resource.

Located in the Learning Commons, CAE provides students with an opportunity to grow in the subject matter beyond what the classroom time allows. Students are provided with one free hour per week for each class they are enrolled in, and the CAE usually has a tasty treat on hand too.

I loved using the CAE, and I used it for everything. My papers were always better received when I had taken the time to go to the CAE. The CAE also helped me with chemistry and my letter of intent for graduate school.

3. Become a Leader on Campus
Whether it’s as a Peer Assistant Leader, an Orientation Leader, Student Activities Promoter, club leader, Student Ambassador or many of the other opportunities offered on campus, taking on a leadership role at UNH Manchester will not only help build your resume but will impact you in ways you may not have expected.

When I started attending UNH Manchester I was not very social  I did not get involved and I kept to myself. After a semester of keeping quiet I saw a notice on The Flush, a student communication, that a Community Service club was searching for a leader. This was something I was very interested in, so I contacted the Student Activities Coordinator and began my journey into Wonderland.

Challenge yourself and let yourself grow! Likewise, if you’re new  befriend a student leader! They’re a great resource to have on hand and serve as a great connection piece to the school!

2. Study Abroad
Whether it’s for two weeks or four months, consider studying abroad. Studying abroad taught me a new language and culture, it showed me different ways to live my life and led to my internship and career path. Studying abroad gave me confidence to handle anything thrown my way. Most people will only get the opportunity to study/live abroad while they’re in college, take advantage the opportunity! You can always start by visiting our Study Abroad Counselor (who is amazing, because our staff rocks, remember?) and go from there.

1. Prepare to be IMPACTed
Now I’m stealing a phrase from Student Activities here, and I’m applying it to the University as a whole.

Come to UNH Manchester with an open mind. Come with a willingness to try new things, meet new people, learn new ideas, and a thirst for knowledge. Let yourself be impacted by what UNH Manchester has to offer.

Go to the BBQ, First Year Service Day, see a tutor, become a leader, ask questions, act in a play, sing in Milling Around, try everything, even if it’s just once.

In return, the University and its community will welcome you and give back to you more than you could ever imagine  an experience that will stay with you beyond graduation and a journey towards lifelong learning and discovery.

Written by Victoria DiPippo, humanities graduate