Friday, August 21, 2015


Next Friday, 18 UNH Manchester students will step up to the Urban Challenge: a day of adventure-based learning and team-building at sites across Manchester, N.H.

Modeled after The Amazing Race, the Urban Challenge will send students to community partner sites around the city, where they’ll engage in team problem-solving and skill-based activities.

The Urban Challenge kicks off UNH Manchester’s new Student Leadership Academy, a program designed to give students the professional and networking opportunities to become a leader in their communities and careers. 

"The Student Leadership Academy is an innovative program," said Marisa Forti, director of student development at UNH Manchester. "It combines hands-on experience, academic coursework and mentor support to give our students skills that will set them apart in their search for a career."

One of the students participating in the Student Leadership Academy and its kick-off event is Kristin Boelzner, a senior in the English program. She said the Urban Challenge will be an exciting start to the Academy and the school year — but many of the day's activities are a mystery.

"I am excited to see what is planned for us students to do," Boelzner said. "Half of the challenge is a surprise!"

Follow the action next Friday, August 28, as we stream the Urban Challenge on Periscope. And keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (#UNHUrbanChallenge) for updates on team progress throughout the day.