Saturday, May 2, 2015


This year's Teaching Excellence Award recognizes Jack Hoza, program director and professor of Sign Language Interpretation. Allan Ray, adjunct professor of chemistry, will receive the Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award. The Excellence Awards will be presented at UNH Manchester's commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 14. 

Since Professor Jack Hoza joined the UNH Manchester faculty in 1994, he has inspired students with his expertise and passion for American Sign Language (ASL).

A native user of both ASL and English, Jack is committed to breaking Deaf stereotypes while fostering the growth of his students. He is known for his innovative, enthusiastic approach to interpreter education, which prepares students for careers in ASL/English interpretation and continued studies in fields from rehabilitation to social services.

Jack’s workshops, presentations and published works on interpretation and ASL have gained national recognition, and he is highly regarded in the field.

Jack received his B.S. from the University of Northern Colorado before pursuing his M.S. in teaching interpreting at Western Maryland College and Ph.D. in applied linguistics from Boston University.

Allan Ray joined the UNH Manchester faculty in 1998. For 17 years, his passion for chemistry has engaged and inspired his students’ scientific pursuits.

With experience and enthusiasm, Allan fosters the success of his students in both the classroom and laboratory. His approachable nature and commitment to learning makes the material digestible for all skill levels. As one student wrote, “I’m not very good at chemistry, but [Allan] made it possible to understand.”

Whether through lecture or hands-on experiments, Allan’s spirited approach spurs the scientific curiosity of his pupils—moving several students to call him “the best professor I’ve had so far.”