Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jack Resch

The presidentially-appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board has selected Dr. Jack Resch, professor of history and program coordinator of humanities, for a Fulbright award to Japan.

Resch will travel to the University of Ryukyus in spring 2016 to teach courses in American history and explore opportunities for student and faculty exchanges with the University of New Hampshire.

The Fulbright is a highly competitive and prestigious award that allows American scholars and professionals to lecture and/or conduct research in diverse academic settings around the globe. Described in Resch’s award letter, the mission of the Fulbright program is to “increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries.”

This is Resch’s third Fulbright grant, with previous awards sending him to share his academic expertise in Debrecen, Hungary and Shanghai, China.