Sunday, March 1, 2015

students working in UNH's Parker Media Lab

Among UNH’s many great resources here on campus, one that few take advantage of is the Parker Media Lab on the second floor (one floor down from the lobby) of Dimond Library. At this lab, students and other members of the UNH community have the opportunity to learn all the steps to creating a multimedia presentation. I sat down with PML staff member Sam Waterhouse ’17, to learn a little more about all the resources available to students in the PML.

The PML is open every day of the week: Sunday – Thursday: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., Friday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Saturday: noon – 4 p.m. Whenever it’s open, someone is inside ready to help you with your project, whether it’s for class or for fun! Waterhouse told me the student workers come from a variety of different majors, but all have experience working with the multimedia programs UNH has to offer. Whether you’re using iMovie, Logic or Final Cut Pro, you’ll be able to get your questions answered.

Parker Media Lab

Before you can put your project together, though, you’re going to need something to edit. The PML can help you with that, too. With your student ID, you can sign out video and audio recording equipment, including cameras, microphones, tripods and even GoPros! Signing out this equipment for up to 72 hours is completely free, and if you need help learning how to use it the staff is there to assist. Waterhouse uses the PML to edit GoPro footage that he and his friends take while skiing!

Waterhouse also told me that most of the students that come in have been told about the lab by a professor and are using it for class projects. If more students and professors knew about it, though, he thinks more people would get excited about utilizing its resources. So next time you have a multimedia presentation for class sitting on your to-do list, or you have a personal project that you’re excited to get started on, head down to the Parker Media Lab. You’ll get your project done and learn some new skills long the way! Check out their website, Twitter and Facebook pages for more info, tips and updates!