Free Flu Vaccine Clinic for UNH Students

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Flu season is coming to UNH...and so is the FLU VACCINE CLINIC FOR STUDENTS

UNH Health Services partnered with Video Services to create a short animated film encouraging students to get a free flu shot. A flu vaccine clinic for students will be held Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the MUB Granite State Room.

The flu is known to cause mild to severe illness, usually occurring between November and March. Anyone can get the flu and it spreads quickly, especially when you're stressed and living and taking classes in close proximity to others. One of the best ways to protect against the flu is by receiving the flu vaccine.

The flu vaccine is FREE for UNH (Durham) students who have paid the mandatory health fee. In general, mandatory fees are paid by degree students enrolled in 5 or more credit hours. $25 for students who have not paid the mandatory fees. Any student who can’t attend the Oct. 9, clinic can make an appointment to receive the vaccine at Health Services AFTER Oct. 9.

Learn more:

There are also flu vaccine clinics for faculty, staff and dependents in October. To learn more visit

UNH Health Services and UNH Video Production

  • Written By:

    Staff writer | Communications and Public Affairs