Thursday, October 18, 2012
unh tales webpage

Are you a UNH student? Contact us to write about campus life or submit your blog about your UNH experience.

Want to know what campus life is really like for UNH students? Then what better way to read, hear, view, share, blog, like, tweet, or +1 about it than straight from the students themselves?

Launched Monday, is a student-run production featuring blogs, photos, videos and more about life at UNH, from the perspective of UNH students. The site went live with an eclectic mix of stories and photos, ranging from a first-student account of Homecoming to a story about meeting actor Mike O’Malley ’88 to a blog by a UNH student studying in Budapest, Hungary.

“The idea is that it would be produced entirely by students for students,” says Jason Boucher, social media coordinator for UNH, who jumpstarted the site with his colleagues at UNH New and Emerging Media. “We wanted to offer the student voice in a way that we hadn’t really done before.”

So instead of highly polished accounts, the site offers unvarnished, often deeply personal insights on life at UNH – with a good deal of humor and healthy irreverence.

In his first personal account of Homecoming, for instance, Aidan King ’14 reports, “Needless to say, the food was tasty, the atmosphere was electric – despite the loathsome weather – and there was a man and his goat leading a two-person (or two-animal) mosh-pit.”

And in his blog about studying in Budapest, Kellen Busby ’14, a WSBE student, writes about the challenges of traveling, “Remember, we’re in the middle of nowhere surrounded by farmlands. We decided to hitchhike. I’ve never hitchhiked in my life and I decide to try it in one of the poorest regions of Hungary where no one speaks even a word of English? Okay…”

King and Caitlin Duffy ’14 are social media associates for New and Emerging Media, and manage the site with contributing bloggers Busby and Rachel Afrow ’16. The site also offers links to individual student blogs, as well as student-produced YouTube videos about campus life. Of course, this being a student-run site, you can also find it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Originally published by:

UNH Today