Kate Homet

2018 Sustainability Fellow - Collaborative Monitoring for Coastal Resilience | City of Portsmouth, NH
Kate Homet Headshot

Kate completed a Fellowship with the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the vibrant seacoast community where she grew up and remains deeply connected. She worked with Peter Britz, the city's Environmental Planner and Sustainability Coordinator, on a project related to the city's Coastal Resilience study and Historic Properties Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. Kate focused on surveying and cataloging infrastructure in the historic district and assessing its resiliency to climate change, in conjunction with floodplain mapping and one of the city's first groundwater monitoring projects. Prior to her fellowship, Kate studied sustainability and climate change adaptation in Copenhagen, which sparked her interest in coastal climate resilience. Following her Fellowship, Kate returned to Hobart William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York to complete the final year of her B.A. in Environmental Studies with minors in Urban Studies and Sustainable Community Development. Kate’s Fellowship experience has inspired her to pursue further research in climate resiliency and natural disaster mitigation.