Phoebe Adame, ‘23

Spring 2021 SITC @ UNH Fellow

Phoebe was a sophomore studying Environmental Science with a dual major in Sustainability and minor in Spanish when she participated in SITC @ UNH. On campus, she was the Coordinator for the Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC). During spring semester 2021, Phoebe was the Waste Management Fellow with SITC @ UNH. She worked with the UNH Sustainability Institute and Post-Landfill Action Network, where she planned Trash 2 Treasure (T2T) for the fall 2021 sale by finding alternative operations for this large, in-person event due to the COVID-19 pandemic and created a T2T manual that will be used to plan and run the sale every year. The T2T program works to divert waste from the landfill by collecting students’ unwanted items and selling them back to the student community at a cheaper, second-hand price. Phoebe was most excited about being able to help a program that has a positive direct impact on the environment. Additionally, she was also very happy to be working with the Sustainability Institute which has helped her get closer to her professional goals of working to create a cleaner, more sustainable society.